Several things I need to ask about in this post.
First off, does anyone here have mudbox (or zbrush perhaps) or can you get a test copy in order to help answer these questions?..
The set up:
When using high poly sculpts in maya from mudbox users use the low polly version of the sculpt in maya. Before rendering in maya (mental ray) smooths the model and applies mudbox produced maps to the low polly. The rendered version is a close representation of the high polly sculpt.
The questions:
What I would like to know, has anyone used a displacement map (or even a bump map) from mudbox (or any sculpting software) on a low polly object in Terragen2?
I am willing to create and provide some simple objects and sculpt maps for testing. But one problem is that the displacement maps I have produced do not look right to me. So it would be really great if someone with more experience than I have, could participate here.
Mudbox can produce 32bit maps.
What I am trying to figure out, is if by using RTO off, I can get a low polly model to look like its high polly sculpt in T2.
More simply, if I can use a mud box created displacement map in T2 in any capacity.
One more thing:
One immediate reason none of this is clear to me, is because a displacement map in T2 is a grayscale map. But a map generated from mudbox is Black and red, in appearance.
Again, I would be willing to post some materials for testing for those of you who understand all of this, but perhaps just don't have a sculpting program on hand.
Thanks guys.