30 seconds left (Final animation in the animation section)

Started by Hannes, June 27, 2013, 12:15:24 PM

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That sounds logical, unless you multiply the vector by vector, which deviates from that line.


Thanks Matt, that makes sense now.


I have learned that a scalar is simply a value, a number, as Matt described.
A scalar doesn't really exist at the origin or any other position, because it doesn't have a multi dimensional position at all.

A vector is a way to describe the position of a point in space, and it's direction from the origin.

The way to write a 3D vector is [x;y;z]. For example, the vector [1,2;3] describes a point that it 1 step away from the origin on the x axis, 2 steps from the origin on the y axis, and 3 steps away from the origin on the z axis.

Now, if you multiply [1;2;3] with a scalar (let's say 5), it works like this:

5 * [1;2;3] = [5*1;5*2;5*3] = [5;10;15]

The result defines a new point in space, that has the exact same direction from the origin, but now farther away, at exactly [5;10:15]



Back to my asteroid. Now that I am even more confused than before I am glad that I could do it without scalars and such :).
At the moment I am rendering the so called final animation. Rendertimes per frame (800 X 450 px) are quite high, because I had to turn off the acceleration cache for the first four or five cloud layers of the asteroid to get rid of some heavy flickering and the mentioned "rib cage" effect. No GI, just a fill light setup. When the animtion is done, I'll post it in the animation section.


Can't wait.............


I had to dig out this thread, because the animation is finally rendered at last. I put the movie into the animation section:



So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?
