feature request: Scene Autosave

Started by ragnoru, November 23, 2015, 12:14:22 PM

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I am not sure if this has been addressed at all but here it is,
When you hit the render button I would like my scene to autosave, incrementally or not that should be a preference.
Or maybe it is time to implement some scripting language so we can start automating these things.
Thank you


It is kind of autosaved in a designated folder (as bmp), or you can use the animation area to autosave in a chosen extension (or more), by rendering a sequence of 1.


This is a feature request we've had before. It's something we'll consider for the future. In the meantime I recommend getting in the habit of doing a manual incremental save before rendering. Perhaps adding a hotkey for Incremental Save would be helpful?

- Oshyan


Doubt; was the tgd meant or the render?


I assumed he meant the TGD ("scene"). The images are, of course, possible to auto-save already, essentially.

- Oshyan


In retrospect, you're right of course.


We already have incremental saving automatically when you hit Save....easy enough to do.....
something borrowed,
something Blue.
Ring out the Old.
Bring in the New
Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist