As promised on the animation board I'll show you a little of my experiences with rendering panoramas last year.
Meanwhile I completely got back to my film project and didn't work for a while on panoramas. So excuse a pair of minor flaws and just enjoy the examples from last year

I always will put links here with one "single" version suitable for panorama software on PC or Playstation VR or others.
The other link of the same picture will be steroscopic and will only worl with the picture viewer of the Oculus rift.
I strongly recommend the Oculus in stereoscopic VR - but careful! It could blow you over and grill your brain!

Over the Forest under Rosies Platform
Monoscopic standard panorama:!AvEpmvBUHi6qgqAQbuClL_TsnPqgBgStereoscopic only for Oculus:!AvEpmvBUHi6qgp982qK6ovLRtFg01AOver the Forest with Rosy
Monoscopic standard panorama:!AvEpmvBUHi6qgqAP-3vjHA2gONx9pwStereoscopic only for Oculus:!AvEpmvBUHi6qgqADLNGX1XAzvBefAAJust a funny short story to these pics, which will mainly be understood best by people with an oculus:
A day I cam home from office and was unbelievable tired. But I wanted to check the latest version of my stereoscopic VR-Renders. So I sat there in my office chair and tried not to get space sick from the view over the forest.
I must have been extremely tired - I must have fallen asleep within seconds with the VR headset still on my head including the surround earphones ... and now just think about: How would you feel when you wake up and you re floating about 30-60 meters above a forest ground.

...more VR pics same topic - another day ...