I'm curious if Terragen 4 will be making any improvements in the game development workflow. I've been researching terrain generation solutions, and I really like what I see coming out of Terragen.
Some issues:
http://www.planetside.co.uk/forums/index.php/topic,19595.msg192701.html#msg192701Oshyan: "Terragen can be used for game asset creation, but that's not its strongest area."
Is there any planned changes in T4 to improve this?
http://www.planetside.co.uk/forums/index.php/topic,20466.0.htmlThis is the case study of Terragen / Unity workflow (by Veselin Efremov), which is wonderful. This is fairly close to some of the things I want to achieve, and a lot of his pipeline is similar. Although I'll be using Unreal Engine 4.
(From UE4 forums)
https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?104693-Is-there-any-aternative-heightmap-softwares-than-World-Machine&highlight=Terragen"a benefit of TG is also its cloud/atmospherics engine. its incredibly awesome." - Cloud and atmosphere will be an important feature for me, mostly why I'm leaning towards Terragen (in addition that you have a Mac release). But "doesn't play well with others" is my only pause for committing. If I create wonderful looking clouds and atmospheres within Terragen, is the only use more for mattes, or is there a way of getting that within a game engine as animation data/effects.
I'm pushing heavily on a procedural workflow using Substance Painter/Designer (asset texturing with very small file sizes), Houdini (visual effects and general asset creation), and the only non-procedural part is Zbrush. The last piece of my pipeline is terrain/environment, and I'm hoping Terragen will potentially fill that roll. I know T4 is being worked on currently, but is there any considerations for improvements in gamedev?
Thanks in advance, and hopefully a new Terragen user.