Terragen 2 Image Competition

Started by Sauceofallevils, September 09, 2007, 10:02:27 PM

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This is a skybox competition for the use of my game. The winner will receive $25 via paypal from me for the winning entry. I'll leave this competition open until I feel enough entries have been submitted.

-----------------------------------------------[The Game itself]----------------------------------------------------

Screen shots:



In Game


Model Shots



---------------------------------------------[More info and Rules]-------------------------------------------------

Your skyboxes can be of any theme, the areas can look earth like, or of any other planet you like. There are absolutely no restrictions on what you can and can't make. I need these skyboxes for the use of my game, also you guys like making these for a hobby, so I figured I might as well spend some money and host a competition.


-Map Size must be width = 1000, height = 600
The width of the image can be as long as you like, as long as it's at least 1000. You can make it go on for a long time if you like. But the height must be 600, no more or no less.

-The image must be loopable, meaning the left and right edges of the image have to match, so they can loop perfectly.
Basically two copies of the skybox image will be placed side by side, then they are scrolled.

Neat Ideas:

1. Making multiple versions of the same skybox, but they are just at different times. I can program it so the game changes day to night.

2. Making more then one image that attach together that make a longer image.

Regardless though, one single image is enough, but those are just good ideas.

-------------------------------------------[More Info About the Game]---------------------------------------------

This game is in a pre-alpha stage at the moment. But eventually this game will be a lot more then it is now. Soon there will be stages that have platforms that change up, and are dynamic. There will be skyboxes made in Terragen/Terragen 2 and there will be platforms made in 3d max displayed in a paralex view.



Eventually there will be all kinds of weapons, and enemies and everything about this game will be improved. This game concept is not original, because there have been many side scrolling space shooter games created, but I added original concepts to an unoriginal game. A  game like this does not usually use a mouse aimer and w,a,s,d to move, also I added inertial movement and a life bar. All the enemies and ships will be made in 3d max.

Also there will be multiple game modes, there will be the "Campaign Mode" where you complete stages and enjoy the story line, "Time Attack" which works just like it does now, kill 100 enemies as fast as you can. "Survival" where you must see how many waves of enemies you can live through, "Battle Mode" where you scroll in all directions in a big stage and when you move left to right you flip. In this mode you can either fight split screen, or online.

That is some of the stuff I hope to expect from this game in the future.

----------------------------------------------[Why Terragen/Terragen 2?]------------------------------------------

I want Terragen/Terragen 2 to be used for my games backround, is because they look so crisp and real. It will give my game a 3d look, and make my game look proffesional. In this competition you can use either Terragen 1 or Terragen 2 ,as long as the background is nice.


Thanks for your time, and let the games begin! Do this for fun, and to sharpen your skills!
Thank you everyone.   


When you test this game your probably saying to yourself, the screen size is not 1000 width and 600 height. But it will be soon!

I don't see why nobody here is interested in my competition, so I'm raising the prize money $50!

But thats as high as I'm willing to pay! Please everyone, try! Or at least speak your mind about this competition.

Also technically you are not making a skybox because you only need to make one image, but the far left and far right edges of the image must match, so the image is loopable.

Thank you.


You might want to rephrase it. You don't really need a skybox from your description... a cylindrical panorama would do, or even a normal render that could be tiled horizontally (perhaps a bit trickier). A sun at the zenith might also be handy so that it doesn't look like you're spinning around.


Your right, I'll say it's an image competition, because thats all I want. I want great artwork like this:

The only difference is it has to be capable of being scrolled horizontally, like you mentioned before. Whatever the style of image, as long as it's made in Terragen 1 or 2 and it looks beautiful, I'm all for it. Thanks for your response.


So are you looking for one single image that will be the winner and receive the money, and that will be the only image you use? Or do you plan to use all entrants but award the $50 to the best one?

- Oshyan


I plan on using all the entrants, but award the best one.
One single image is all it takes to win, but it definitely would be neat if you made multiple images because that could increase your chance of winning. Also you can make multiple pictures of the same image but at different times, or multiple images that piece together to make a longer picture. But those things are not necessary, nor would they ensure your victory. But those ideas would be cool.

So all you got to do is make one picture and you could win $50!


OK, that is more clear, thank you. Just so everyone knows how their work will be used. Is this a commercial project that will be sold? You should probably agree on a specific usage license for images that are submitted so that people's work is protected. For example if the project is not commercial but you later decide to sell it, people may not want their image included without compensation. Just something to keep in mind. :)

- Oshyan


Ok I'll definitely keep that in mind. But one thing is for sure, the names of everyone who gives me an image will be in the credits screen.

If the game does get sold I'll try and give a compensation to everyone.

Thanks Oshyan for clearing up the facts for everyone. I appreciate that you took the time to reply to this post, and have fun in the competition!


Well I was just posting back to see if anyone is interested in winning the money for the image. I also might as well show you some new stuff I have been working on for this game.



Those links might not work for Al of you, it depends on what Flash player you have. Anyways, there will be new models for turret and the AI enemy, they are near completion.

I'm just really hoping people want to try and enter something in this competition, I'm really desperate to get nice backgrounds like this. I'll credit everyone for there entries and you can win $50 for one picture!

Also the game will be much better, with cool stages that change up and nice Terragen/Terragen 2 made backgrounds. I'm thinking of learning Terragen 1 better myself.

Anyways, put your best effort in the competition, and try to win the money!