GI banding - arghghgh

Started by moodflow, September 13, 2007, 11:16:51 AM

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Hi all,

I was hoping the new update would fix the GI banding issue, but its still there. 

I just finished a render that MUST use GI, and attempted only a 6% overlap for each cropped image.  But this wasn't enough, and bands were still visible in the image assembled from the crops.

So until there is a fix, a 10-12% overlap is required.
mood-inspiring images and music


Help me understand what you mean by overlap so I can do the same in the meantime.  Please. 
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


He previously posted a great explanation and calculated numbers here:


So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


If you don't see a feature/bug fix included in the change log then it's not part of the release. ;) Lots of work is being done on the renderer right now and hopefully the GI system can be improved to help avoid this problem.

- Oshyan


Actually, it was mentioned, but stated as a "slight improvement" from what I recall.  I wasn't expecting it to be fixed, more like hoping.  ;D

In the meantime, we have that workaround, so its not work-stopping.
mood-inspiring images and music


There are a number of GI fixes in the latest release but none directly related to this particular problem. The fix log is usually pretty specific and its meaning should be taken literally, generally speaking. If it doesn't say something specifically about addressing the consistency of GI across crop boundaries then that work hasn't been done.

I don't mean to sound like I'm harping on this issue or picking on you, it's just important that people have proper expectations from releases. We've already seen many rumours being presented as fact and this can set people up for disappointment unnecessarily. In almost all cases no harm is intended by any party - those who first initially state something are often doing so more in the form of a question, but it can easily be misinterpreted by others as if that fix *was* supposed to be included but wasn't. Then we end up having to deal with an expectation that arose on its own, independent of any promise or announcement on our part. It's nobody's fault, but if we can help avoid it by clearly stating our fixes and showing people how to read the change log accurately, it's that much easier and more clear for all in the long run. :)

- Oshyan


Well I have to say I most definitely agree.  I appreciate your input on this. 

I don't know of any others besides Buzzzzz who have stated they render in 'crops', but wanted to bring this up for anyone who does.

Kinda like the soft-shadows thing, there is a workaround for now, but really looking forward to it becoming natively integrated.
mood-inspiring images and music


Soft shadows are available in the latest update (for registered users). ;)

I think many people do render in crops, whether occasionally or most of the time, and it's definitely a problem we want to address. In particular it is important for stitching larger panoramas and may be a factor in other situations as well.

- Oshyan


This is in our newest version.  Eeetsah ni-i-i-c-ah.

Quote from: moodflow on September 13, 2007, 02:49:55 PM
...but really looking forward to it becoming natively integrated.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


Quote from: calico on September 13, 2007, 03:00:16 PM
This is in our newest version.  Eeetsah ni-i-i-c-ah.

Quote from: moodflow on September 13, 2007, 02:49:55 PM
...but really looking forward to it becoming natively integrated.


He was made for kids, but the adults hated him.  Poor guy.

Anyway, yes, I know the soft-shadows are now implemented (and they work very nicely I might add).
mood-inspiring images and music