Classic Erosion v1.0.2 beta
- Sampling stage is multi-threaded now;
- Added new parameter "Outer displacement offset" in "Render" tab;
- Added "Mask as thermal erosion strength" checkbox in "Thermal" tab;
- Progress window behaves better and should not disappear after few seconds;
- Some tweaks of Rivers mode and Banks map.
"Outer displacement offset" adds possibility to set displacement offset to outer terrain if outer terrain isn't rendered. If outer terrain is off and some landscape has negative altitude then eroded heightmap is rendered below outer terrain (which has zero altitude). It can be workarounded (by adding positive offset to original landscape), but this parameter may be more handy.
"Mask as thermal erosion strength" checkbox allows to state if mask is applied to thermal erosion. In previous veriosn mask applied to thermal erosion too, but selectively - only in "Mask as rock softness" and "Mask as erosion strength" modes.
Also build for Terragen 3 is available now.