Started by DannyG, January 09, 2018, 07:26:43 PM

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•   Contestants are to create a Cliff View of their choosing with the highest level of Photo-realism as their goal. (Real Life, Sci/Fantasy, Anything Goes)
•   Your Main Cliff Must Be Terragen created. World Machine, ZBrush, 3-D Coat or similar 3rd party generated Cliff displacements or structures WILL NOT be permitted. (See 3rd Party exceptions) Daniil's Erosion is permitted with no restrictions. Grab that here --> https://daniilkamperov.com/
•   3rd Party Exceptions – Scene assets such as Terrains & misc. modeled props, Megascans, 3d scan, Photogrammetry, ZBrush similar 3rd party generated assets are permitted, but must be used as supporting objects to your own Terragen Created Cliff. The final render must be rendered within Terragen.
•   Open to all versions of Terragen 2, Thru 4 Free or Registered.
•   1 entry per contestant
•   Image Size – .6 Min – 8MB Max
•   Terragen's DOF is permitted. Rendering Terragen layers and composing in a 3rd party applications is premitted.
•   Contestants must submit judged entry with raw Terragen output image (Composed layers into single image, Pre-Postwork).
•   Approved Post work – Sharpening, color/level adjustments, resizing and another subtle techniques that simulate 'typical' lens effects. NWDA will reject any image that is deemed overly 'enhanced' by Photoshop or other image editors.
•   Non Approved Postwork – Replacing and or adding any element via Photoshop or any image editor. All elements must be rendered within Terragen.
•   NWDA reserves the right to question any entries construction and may require the artist submit the Gathered TGD before approval. NWDA reserves the right to reject any entries that do not conform to the above guidelines or images that are deemed 'incomplete' by NWDA.
•   Submitted entries must be submitted by the below date and time and include Image title, Artist name, (Forum or Real name) email & judged entry with raw Terragen output image (ex. Composed layers into single image, Pre- Postwork)

•   Matt Fairclough, The Creator of Terragen, Technical Director & VFX artist at Pixomondo, Digital Domain and Prime Focus (Sucker Punch, Oblivion, TRON Legacy, The Day after Tomorrow, Star Trek Nemesis).
•   Greg Teegarden, Supervisor of VFX Digital Domain (Oblivion, X-Men First Class, TRON Legacy, The Fifth Element, Vanilla Sky ...).
•   Alex Jevon, VFX Artist Lola Lost Productions, Illumina Digital (The Bible, Atlantis:End Of The World,   Birth Of A Legend Earth's Extraordinary Journey, Exodus God and Kings).


ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED USING THE SUBMIT ENTRY LINK ON http://www.nwdastore.com/theme-challenge/

Awards totaling over $6500 USD

•  1st Place:
XFrogs Plants Vol 1 & 2 (tgo Format)   
Planetside Software's Terragen 4 Professional
World Creator Professional
Megascans 1 Year Indie Subscription
3-D Coat Professional
Plug N' Pixels – Interview
pixelplow $500 Render Credits
$50 Coupon to NWDA

•   2nd Place:
XFrogs Plants Vol 1 (tgo Format) 
Planetside Software's Terragen 4 Professional
World Creator Professional
Megascans 6 Months Indie Subscription
3-D Coat Professional
pixelplow $200 Render Credits
Plug N' Pixels – Interview
$25 Coupon to NWDA

•   3rd Place:
XFrogs Plants Vol 2. (tgo Format)
Planetside Software's Terragen 4 Creative
World Creator Professional
Megascans 3 Month Indie Subscription
3-D Coat Professional
pixelplow $100 Render Credits
Plug N' Pixels – Interview

**As with Roadside & Iceland it is recommended, however not required that you create a Work In Progress Thread here in Planetside Forums

New World Digital Art
Media: facebook|Twitter|Instagram


Good luck every one :)
Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress .. :)

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)



Ok, at the end i need to give a terragen file ?!! But if i don't want to expose some techniques of mine?!!! And one more question can i rendering some elements like- spaceships and explosions in 3ds max say, and than composing with terragen scene?!!!


Quote from: Artice-3d on January 10, 2018, 12:09:12 AM
Ok, at the end i need to give a terragen file ?!! But if i don't want to expose some techniques of mine?!!! And one more question can i rendering some elements like- spaceships and explosions in 3ds max say, and than composing with terragen scene?!!!

"The final render must be rendered within Terragen."
And if NWDA has a doubt considering the fact that Terragen was the main software used for the render (it is a Terragen render, remember), and that maybe other softwares were overly used to do the final result, then NWDA "MAY require the artist submit the Gathered TGD before approval."

edit : and I just want to point out that NWDA is a group of Terragen artists/users that are and always have been helpful to the comunity for years. And I can assure you that we don't organise a contest worthing 6500 USD to stole your secret technique. And to be honest, if somebody would like to pay me 6500 USD just to know how I do my one of my render, they can pm right now and I'll give them my paypal and I'll send them any tgd they will require ;)


Have a good time, working on this, guys and girls. Perhaps we should have stated that the one winning first prize MUST share all secrets!  ;)


I must attend. This is the best activity of exercise technique.


Quote from: Seth on January 10, 2018, 01:03:42 AM
"The final render must be rendered within Terragen."
And if NWDA has a doubt considering the fact that Terragen was the main software used for the render (it is a Terragen render, remember), and that maybe other softwares were overly used to do the final result, then NWDA "MAY require the artist submit the Gathered TGD before approval."

edit : and I just want to point out that NWDA is a group of Terragen artists/users that are and always have been helpful to the comunity for years. And I can assure you that we don't organise a contest worthing 6500 USD to stole your secret technique. And to be honest, if somebody would like to pay me 6500 USD just to know how I do my one of my render, they can pm right now and I'll give them my paypal and I'll send them any tgd they will require ;)
It's fun for me to challenge, not for money or prizes...  And i'm not so bad, if i don't want to share my stuff, but for some reason i need it.. and anyway i help to other people like and they to me  :o ::) ;)

But my question is - this is a WIP branch for progress works, but final image(s) need to be sent to e-mail here http://www.nwdastore.com/theme-challenge/ right?!


   It is possible however highly unlikely that we would need anyones TGD submitted. This needs to be said from the outset so if a TERRAGEN MADE CLIFF seems to not be TERRAGEN made, we would need to see the TGD to clarify, however we have all been using Terragen for years we all can tell whether most elements are Terragen created. That said in the unlikely event we are unsure and needed to see the tgd if I didn't say something from  the outset I could understand a contestant feeling they are being treated unfairly. And No-one is trying to steal secrets. 

If you are taking part in WIP's they are to be done here. And yes entries need to be submitted to NWDA to be gathered and handed off to the judges.   
New World Digital Art
Media: facebook|Twitter|Instagram


And so it begins...

First challenge already is choosing the one project for the WIP thread, there are several on the drawing board ATM  :-\
"Ik rotzooi maar wat aan" Karel Appel

bla bla 2

Où est-ce que je peux participer ?  :D  ??? :)

Where can I participate in the challenge ?


New World Digital Art
Media: facebook|Twitter|Instagram


Someone's been at my IMDB.  ;D
Though I am back at Lola Post oddly enough, working with Terragen.

Can't wait to see what you all come up with. WIPs are looking promising!

Agura Nata

That's great!
Wish you all good luck :)
I'll try to build something surreal on the subject.
"Live and Learn!"


There's some great starts in the threads so far. I've really enjoyed seeing what people are doing. I'll be starting in the next few weeks too. And looking forward to it.

I understand the fear people may have showing their wip's or worse not joining in because of what they see, but really this is a challenge for all of us no matter what level we're at. And I think it's good to set ourselves our own challenges and use this as an opportunity as a group work shop/think tank, that will only help promote the software we enjoy using. There's some good open people involved already, and I know you'll get support if you get involved.

All the best everyone.