Kadri cliff WIP

Started by Kadri, April 07, 2018, 02:08:25 AM

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Not much time left. Not sure if i can finish this in time.

Some test renders below. From old to new.
There were much much more test images between of course.


They are all very special. Just render one of them in high resolution and submit it, finished or not. I am struggling with the same dilemma. :-\


You have some interesting shapes and camera angles going on here.
The last one is my fave but keep at it.

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Certainly good stuff, Kadri. Just do what René says, add some colors and something that tells size relations and submit. It kind of looks like slate, so a mining device (?), some areas where the slate is so much eroded that some grasses/shrub can take hold, and some bluish-black shine.....


Great start, any one of the three would be excellent with some colour, atmosphere and veg.


Those are spectacular Kadri! Some of the best cliffside rock I've seen in TG!


03 and 04 are very promising. I agree that you do not necessarily need some huge, complex scene to have a great representation of "cliff". This image in our galleries has remained a favorite of mine for years, despite being quite simple: https://planetside.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/displacement.jpg

- Oshyan


Thanks all.
I am not sure which one i should use too...03 or 04. But i think i will use the relative simpler one (04) because of composition reasons.

That image comes always to my mind too Oshyan and kinda what i had in my mind already at the beginning.


Looking very nice Kadri, it would be nice to see you enter. Good luck
New World Digital Art
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Thanks Danny.
I am working on colors and objects right now.
Kitbashing what i have around.


Quote from: Dune on April 07, 2018, 02:53:42 AM
...It kind of looks like slate, so a mining device (?), some areas where the slate is so much eroded that some grasses/shrub can take hold, and some bluish-black shine.....

There are already very nice ones with plants etc. :) so i have a desert kind of look without plants in my mind.
A mine could be nice too, but i want a different kinda science fiction (ones again) look.
Just don't know if i can make it in time. If not i will send what i have.

Jo Kariboo

Quote from: Kadri on April 08, 2018, 05:37:35 AM
Quote from: Dune on April 07, 2018, 02:53:42 AM
...It kind of looks like slate, so a mining device (?), some areas where the slate is so much eroded that some grasses/shrub can take hold, and some bluish-black shine.....

There are already very nice ones with plants etc. :) so i have a desert kind of look without plants in my mind.
A mine could be nice too, but i want a different kinda science fiction (ones again) look.
Just don't know if i can make it in time. If not i will send what i have.

I'm sure it will be great. Go according to your inspiration!


04 looks very promising.




Looks like i can make it only with some small additions on the cliff.
Couldn't make what i had actually in my mind and the way those look now could be interpreted as kind of a mine Ulco :)