Cloud step optimisation

Started by Kadri, May 03, 2018, 05:29:08 AM

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I wanted to play with snow done with clouds and accidentally kinda rediscovered Denis's redirect technique.
When i used high step optimisation (cloud Quality tab) on it, this came out. 
Probably useless but still wanted to share.


Whoah! Cool! Maybe useless, but who knows?



...absolutely NOT useless :)

Perhaps it can be modified to be used as a kind of static charging effect ;)


Would you mind to share some of this stuff? Who knows what can be done with it...


Thanks guys.

Hannes no problem for sharing. I will have a look at the file Denis shared and if it will have the same effect.


As it looks the effect does have nothing to do with the method Denis used.
I remembered wrong i think.

There is something i didn't used before. I am rendering 1-2 small images before i post it here.
Interestingly easy to get actually.



Here it is.
Some different versions below (all are in the ZIP file).
The different thing i mentioned is, that i think i haven't tried to use clouds
with nothing in the density shader input before, if i remember right.

The last one looked the most interesting to me.
I am rendering a basic animation to see the look in motion.



I forgot this one. Just use step optimisation on the second image-file.


Hah! Wow, these are crazy-cool. Love it.

- Oshyan



In the past i thought that the sliced-stepped parts of the clouds were parallel to the ground.
It looks like they are relative to the camera FOV.


Thanks a lot, Kadri. Much appreciated.


Have fun.

Had a little psychedelic moment :)
Quality was low to get fast renders.
