Under this thread I want to introduce some of my (newer and older) astronomical art renders, made with Terragen 3 and 4.
One the one hand, the depicted landscapes and sceneries are purely fictional, but on the other hand I try to be as realistic as possible and integrating the known facts of exoplanets in my renders (so for example the apparent diameters of planets and suns, light conditions on the surface, colors and atmospheric conditions...).
Because I have an affinity to astronomy and astrophysics , some descriptions will be a little ,,scientific".
Let's imagine the antipodes of the Solar System: A place in space, about 60'000 lightyears away from here, behind the center of the milky way galaxy.
The inhabitable moon of an entirely water-covered Super-Earth orbiting a young Class A main sequence star, part of a triple system with two red dwarfs, visible over the horizon.
This is the surface of the above mentioned Ocean Planet. The ocean of this planet covers the entire surface; no continents, no isles.
It reaches down several hundred kilometers (or miles, if you wish) with an immense pressure at the bottom, creating exotic materials like "Ice VII". It's not clear if such a planet is habitable (for humans) or not, despite the water. Because the planet is a Super-Earth (bigger and more massive than earth) the atmosphere also is very dense and under heavy pressure.