I know, I know, looks complex at first glance with that unique shape, but it's simple!
In this version you can easily shape and detail the boulders with 4 nodes, two for displacement, and two for surface shaders. Additionally you can still head into the Geometry container and fiddle with the Simple Shape Shader (SSS) scales, rotation, and SSS things. With scale changes you may need to fiddle with the HR Displacement (tallness), HR Normal (roundness), and HR Lateral Offset (width).
Note: Remember, you can change the location through the master containing node which is a transform shader. Additionally, you're not constained to a single boulder with the SSS shader. You could use any sort of mask to generate your stones. For example a Power Fractal with Perlin or Voronoi Billows with tweaked contrast and offset in the colour tab. Or colour adjusting diff voronoi scalar, whatever you can come up with to drive your stones. However, in these scenarios, with the way displacement space works, you could still end up with overly large stones or even exploded stones like fake stones. So far I haven't noticed any real exploded stones with right scales and subtle displacement.