I would have a hard time to choose between this one and "Fly me to the moon"

But as I am not in your shoes, I do not need to

As you surely have guessed from my comments, the Astronaut scene looks really perfect to me (not necessarily for the contest)...
But if I may, I have some thoughts about this one on first impression:
- the passengers are too dark. I really would like to see them better in the car. And if somehow possible even catch a glimpse of the expressions in their faces.
Fun, joy, exitement or fear. THAT would make me as a viewer relate to the whole thing by a factor of 10, so to speak. Identify myself with the protagonists.
- perhaps the wind maschine / turbine which moves the car forward (right hand side on the back of the car) could have something that shows it is moving?
Like the paper strips that are tied to the outlet of a aircondition grid / grating? Just married?

- there should be flags blowing in the wind on the castles and in the village somewhere. Would make for some interesting coloured detail.
- and there should be people scattered on the ground. On the bridge. In the "streets". Some kind of live down there.
It looks like they are the only living souls around. Except for the birds, of course.
- and I was thinking, if the flock of birds behind the car balloons were a little bit more like a flock, more in some kind of order, swarm fashion.
- the blue-golden ballon takes away a little bit too much attention for me. I am not sure why he is there up in the sky. Is that a traveler too?
Sorry, for being so bold to have so many remarks. Of course you do know what works best for your intention. Just some thoughts...
CHeers, Klaus