Program for Lighting Effects

Started by WAS, August 25, 2020, 02:22:14 PM

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I have been working on my starfield generator to be more in-line with what i need, such as exporting a no-alpha background sphere with alpha star spots to be used in post.

I really like how TG's bloom and starburst effect really makes the thing pop like a real hubble image pretty much (aside from different sort of starburst effect). The only issue is any star that aligns on the border of the image causes the starburst and bloom to kinda blow out.

Does anyone know of any third party apps that can handle lighting effects, like starburst in post? I know there are manual lens flare shaders but sorta looking for something that handles HDR images as a base.


Blender Compositer has filters. You can load your render and then add effects like lens flare starburst, ghosts, fog, etc. Easy to do ....