First try at Gaea

Started by aknight0, September 29, 2020, 01:27:01 AM

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A handful of random renders from my first try messing around with Gaea.  It's quite fun!  

I'm struggling though with getting realistic detail added to the heightfields for close shots.  Are people mostly using these as backdrops?  It seems many of the images I've seen have Gaea mountains looming majestically in the background, and Terragen in the mid/foreground.  





I'm sure you can use the masks provided to add small detail (fake rocks and such) where you need it. Never work with these heightfields, so I'm not experienced in that field.


For some reason Terragen has issues modulating heightmap in my experience. Whether a vanilla generated heightmap, classic erosion, or imported terrain. Rips, tears, and folds are easy to produce in error. I think resolution is incorporated in the mesh quality at that area. I've had some success with 16k heightmaps with PFs, but still find areas of issue.


One thing I think Gaea, WM and other heightfield generators lack is the ability to add angled strata. This is usually the first thing I add to the heightfield inside terragen, limiting it to steeper slopes, and this usually makes a big difference. From there I add further fractal detail and lateral displacements.
