moving camera MOTION BLUR.. really?

Started by April_Soda, April 28, 2021, 09:11:40 AM

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Trying out Terragen 4 - tgSurf2dMotion or tgCloud2dMotion

i was trying to make cinematic kinda Terragen look.. something like Stealth (2005) movie.

so i was trying out nuke for compositing which i was using layer node in terragen.
so i made this test for short cinematic that i want to make.

but there is a big problem!

The motion vector of a still camera looks fine, but the motion vector of an object moving at the same speed as a camera moving at a constant speed was weird.

because when camera and object speed are same, in real life you don't see motion blur. so yep.. this is need to be fixed.

I know this effect way before blender used to have this kind of bug.. which that thing got fixed pretty quickly.

is this fix by coding or what can i do about it?

Kevin Kipper

Currently, Terragen only supports 3D camera motion blur, not 3D object motion blur.  This feature is on our list of "to do's".

By using the tgSurf2DMotion element you're seeing the vector blur as the camera travels across the terrain, which of course looks wrong on the aircraft which is traveling at the same speed camera.

As a work around, I'm wondering if you had a mask for the aircraft, if you could apply less of a vector blur to the aircraft and more to the environment in compositing?

You might also find these documents useful for compositing the Terragen render elements: