Desert Rockscape

Started by aknight0, May 28, 2021, 10:32:47 AM

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Practicing more with Gaea terrain.  Two heightfields here, with some added gravel and plants from XFrog.  I think this is one of my favorite close-up shots I've been able to get out of Gaea so far.  


Jo Kariboo

Very nice terrain ! Nice composition too !


Awesome stuff. Strata walls look awesome.


Great Landscape



Wonderful terrain indeed! Great erosion.


Looks great.
When I use Gaea, I use an an EXR in the  image node and then displacement node...that's pretty much the end of it...and it never looks this good close up.

What's your method?

Jo Kariboo

I did some research this software seems to work only on Windows. The quality of your image is superb, do you know if there is a site that offers land either free or for a fee with that quality of land equal to what you are producing? Thanks !


Thanks!  I used 8K EXRs out of Gaea for the displacement and color.  Loaded the displacement through a heightfield load node, then a resize node and an altitude adjust node.  I think there's a few things that made a difference in this scene from what I've tried before:

  • I concentrated the entire 8K displacement map into a 100x100 square in Terragen.  That helped give a lot more detail in the foreground and midground but also restricts the POV.  
  • I spent more time on the Gaea colormap, adding more complexity, which I think increases the sense of detail on the surface.
  • I intentionally tried to use the added plants and fake stone gravel to convey the scale I wanted, making the nominally 5 km Gaea terrain seem much smaller when resized in Terragen.  

Like I said before, this is one of the first close-ups I've been really happy with out of Gaea, so we'll see if it's reproducible, or if I just got lucky this time. ;D

What I found impressive is that it only took two nodes in Gaea to make that geometry, a Perlin node, and the Stacks node in 'desiccated mode.  Here are some WIP pictures.

I haven't seen anyone hosting or selling Gaea terrains, but I haven't really looked either.  The output files are relatively large, this one was a gigabyte between the terrain and color images.   







Looks great. 
I find using the heightfield displacement method is certainly the way to go over the way I was doing it.
Gaea is amazing software, but it's a shame the 16K output takes an age


I do find the terrain very nice but I believe this is very achievable within TG with Classic Erosion. But then more stuck in TG.

Jo Kariboo

Thank you for all the information!