Mars Atmosphere Study

Started by WAS, July 09, 2021, 12:32:12 AM

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Mar's atmosphere is tricky, because it's not just a solid red atmosphere. Because of it's composition and density, the boundaries, especially at the poles have blues where density is thicker. This is not so easy to do in Terragen as a thought. Lol

This image is looking down from somewhat the north pole of Mars, though it's mostly obscured by shadows.

Mars textures needed more help in 3D then just a texture map, so Ambient Occlusion, Edges, and Reflectivity Maps were created.


I can't really judge the realism - I've never been there ... :)
But for me the render look extremely convincing! Great to see all the deteils of the texture!

If this ever appears in your shop - maybe I'll invest and re-render many of my older (so far secret) animations - I better don't show them now in comparison to your Mars   ::)  ;D


Hi Jordan

Here are some really good and realistic atmospheric references in high res for you.

And here are the best surface pictures in an excellent thread which I have found so far.

Your Mars looks very detailed and pretty good, but compared with the references it doesn't fit reality.
I have the same problem with clouds and the atmosphere. I hadn't time to work on, so this pic give you just my current status.

Mars (Natural colors).jpg
Mars Current Status



Those are all toned images though? Mars don't look like that in a telescope. It is far redder, to the naked eye as a planet in the sky and in my telescope.