Unfortunately I already deleted the failed attempt in HQ (1280x720 px AA8 )
There you would have noticed it. But anyway all renders quite fast.
I also had in my back of my brain to try PT but I am stuck to TG version 4.4.67. I guess that was a version with some not yet fixed bugs. E.g. glass did not have any reflection:
But I liked that look of light and shadow so much that I tried something really weird:
I let TG calculate the GI cache WITH PT and then rendered the animation with RT.
Here the comparison:
GI cache with RT:
The cars get much too bright left side. And on the left side there's no light source
GI cache with PT:
Still no comparison as PT but with quite fast rendertime a better result.
One day I'll have to upgrade my TG version but I am not sure at the moment if I'd not better wait untill I have finished some open render jobs. So far I had the experience that after upgrading TG the light settings did not fit any more to the ready rendered frames. That ment to start thr render jobs from the beginning.
The other thing is when I looked in the shop these days I saw (mostly of course positive) changes. Especially the overview of versions etc. is much better. Thanks Matt
But I also saw that the 5 additional render licenses are not included in the subscription. So I would need to choose the full purchase version. So perhaps if my boss spends a christmas gratification ... or later if another of my PCs dies... They are up to 7 years old now and almost run 7/24/365 since then (Brave little tin boxes!