Color variation between local & renderfarm

Started by oliverz3d, February 28, 2022, 06:23:57 PM

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The 32bpc exr frames that I rendered on Pixel Plow's renderfarm are slightly warmer (tinge of yellow) than those rendered on my system. That color difference shouldn't be baked in. Any idea as to what could be causing this? Thanks.


Is there a colour profile activated? @Tangled-Universe just recently mentioned bluing and yellowing to images he rendered:,29849.0.html

I haven't played around with this stuff, but sounds like suspect to this area.


The example you post WAS has the same cooler vs warmer output, but what I'm seeing is a much subtler shift on my end.

OCIO is disabled and one of the first things I verified. The other tonemapping settings shouldn't be relevant and wouldn't apply to the exr output anyway. Checked with the renderfarm and they claim such settings wouldn't be altered on their end. I can't replicate the same color shift with OCIO on either.


It could be a TG version mismatch, I've seen differences between versions that look similar to a color temperature shift.


It doesn't seem like the case but this may just be computational variance. Was doing some searches about pixel plow render variance and it lead me down a rabbit hole of people noticing differences in the looks of renders from different CPUs/GPUs. There are topics for Premier Pro, Blender, Houdini, etc, about people rendering on farms, friends PCs, etc, and the results being different on their same monitor compared to one rendered on the machine. In some instances like Premier it was the same version on his machine and his friends, and both same Mac's. 

So it may just be machine hoodoos BECAUSE the color profile isn't fixed to settings or a settings file.