using an image to define a crater shape?

Started by scott8933, December 21, 2007, 12:08:17 AM

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I thought about posting this in the "Fun with Craters" thread, but that one hasn't seen any traffic since March; so here goes - I need to create a shape that looks like a giant hand slammed down (giant, like REALLY big) and the crater shader seems like a natural. Nice controls for the rim and all; but is there a way to use an image to define the shape so it is something other than round?



There's no easy, direct way to do this with the Crater Shader, but you could just use a Heightfield or Image Map Shader (with displacement enabled) and an image of a handprint, scaled to appropriate size. Find or make the image, load it in your choice of shader (either of those two), then adjust displacement/height to taste.

- Oshyan


I did a brief search for some good threads on using an image map, but am coming up a little short. Is there any tutorial or thread or -really- basic example project that could get me started? As a 10+ year Electric Image user, the whole concept of node-based anything is completely foreign to me!

Thank you,


Edit-> Is there a way to print out the docs in this forum and get the pictures to be included? Sounds like a kind of dumb question, I know...but the "print" command removes the images, and printing directly from my browser won't get the frames only the stuff around the frames and a bunch of blank pages. Or a place where the docs are that isn't forum-based?

Quote from: Oshyan on December 21, 2007, 03:03:41 AM
There's no easy, direct way to do this with the Crater Shader, but you could just use a Heightfield or Image Map Shader (with displacement enabled) and an image of a handprint, scaled to appropriate size. Find or make the image, load it in your choice of shader (either of those two), then adjust displacement/height to taste.

- Oshyan