Processor made for terragen 2

Started by buchvecny, December 24, 2007, 06:40:54 PM

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Hey guyz i just want to tell the less informed there is great processor coming to us in end of february or so. It will be intel 2,4GHZ 45nm Quad for just 320bucks (there is similar on market now, however the next one will be even better produce much less heat etc.). Imho it will be great processor to ,,overclock" (that means push it from 2.4GHZ higher). There is 45NM quad out already however that one is extreme edition and its priced very high. The great deal about 45nm is that most of internet servers overclocked it from 3GHZ to 4.5GHZ on water cooling and about 4.4 on air cooling, That means the quad im talking about will be able to make it around 3.5 GHZ in most cases and few lucky ones will maybe make it go 4GHZ. Goddamn just imagine the power....if i multiply by the new conroe architecture (that means if u have northwood/prescott pentium 3GHZ it equals like 1.5 GHZ on new conroe or core2duo architecture) and the 4 cores i will get like 8-10 times the power i have now.

Also the ram memories market will hit its price bottom in Spring (now the pretty much standard 800mhz DDR2 cost 125bucks and will get lower till beginning of summer) . Then the prices will go slowly up again.

To make it short...if you are doubting about upgrading your CPU Spring is your choice.


So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


dont you have to upgrade your motherboard if you upgrade from 65nm to 45nm.....
"His blood-terragen level is 99.99%...he is definitely drunk on Terragen!"


thats really dependant on your motherboard. For me its sure thing because i have like 3years old motherboard that supports like 200FSB while this quad will have 1333 FSB :D

however if you bought your motherboard for example year ago with arrival of core 2 duos/quads and it supports 1333 FSB then it should be an okay switch to quad 45nm you just need to update your bios (motherboard software)


With each major upgrade like this you're looking at replacing the Mobo, RAM and possibly the power supply in addition to the new chip. Unless you are getting new gear very often (more than once a year) that is. That's why the expenses quickly grow. I decided to wait longer and then replace the whole setup all at once at the right time. Took long enough to get all components working right and achieve a quiet operation :)


Quote from: otakar on December 26, 2007, 01:32:02 PM
I decided to wait longer and then replace the whole setup all at once at the right time.

Yup, that's what I've just done too. Got one of the new Yorkfield Extreme jobbies coming from a 3yr old A64 single core - so it's been a big step-up for me. :)

The bios for the motherboard (being new) isn't the best yet, so I don't want to push things too hard until they sort it out. But because I couldn't resist a little teaser as to it's potential, I ran the TG2 benchmark with the chip oc'd to 3.8GHz in 2mins 7secs so I'm pretty chuffed with that one (based on what I've read on the net 3.8 should be a safe 24/7 oc for this chip). It might get a little faster yet once the bios has matured some more and I learn my way round the settings - I'm a first-time noob overclocker.

PS Oh, and for anyone that's interested, I'm running TG2TP on Vista x64 and no probs to report - admittedly though, I haven't spent much time in it yet, but everything seems stable enough so far...


Marcos Silveira

Does anyone know what is the difference between the processors dual core and core 2 dual???


well its like this... dual core processor means 2x cores on one chip... however  if i understood your question there are several types of these dual cores.

AMD has dual core processors named like AMD Dual-Core Athlon A64 X2 4000+ EE (65W) 64-bit Brisbane BOX socket AM2

INTEL has ,, core 2 duo " processors. They made up this name to mark the difference between core 2 duo and pentium D (d for dual core) while pentium D sucked and losed hard against AMD, the core 2 duo is now better than AMD made dual cores (simplified very much so dont eat me)

i hope i explained a bit