Equivalents of "Bumpiness", "Mimic terrain" and "Scale+Depth" from TG0.9?

Started by MF_Erwan, December 28, 2007, 06:35:14 AM

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I'm trying to "export" my Terragen 0.9 textures to TG2.
I have found the equivalents of:
"Colour" with TG0.9="Colour" with TG2

"Coverage" with TG0.9="Coverage" with TG2

"Fractal noise" with TG0.9="Fractal breakup" value with TG2

Altitude Constraints:

"Max altitude" with TG0.9="Maximum altitude" with TG2
"sharp/fuzzy" with TG0.9="Max alt fuzzy zone" with TG2

"Min altitude" with TG0.9="Minimum altitude" with TG2
"sharp/fuzzy" with TG0.9="Min alt fuzzy zone" with TG2

"Slope Constraints" :as for "Altitude constraints".

But now I'm wondering what are the equivalents of "Bumpiness", "Mimic Terrain" et "Scale + Depth" from TG0.9 to TG2...



Bumpiness is catered for by the displacement (to make your bumps you may need to plug a power fractal into this spot). Scale + Depth is similar. Mimic terrain is now something I cannot remember and cannot tell you at this point as I'm 23hrs into a render. There is something there for it too, but not all shaders use this.
Head over to the documentation section for more info.

You could also try this migration tutorial http://www.designpaths.com/terragen-tutorials/migrating-from-terragen-09-to-terragen-2/


There is no direct equivalent to "Mimic Terrain" nor "Scale+Depth". Scale is controlled by 3 settings in the Breakup shader Power Fractal, but "depth" is not handled in the same way. The Smoothing function and Intersect Underlying can have some of the same effects as the "depth" component of Scale+Depth. The linking of scale to depth in TG 0.9 was actually a limitation however and TG2 has more flexibility than that. I believe "Distort by Normal" on the Warping tab of a Power Fractal may have a similar effect to Mimic Terrain, although again I don't think there is any direct equivalent. Ultimately I think you'll find that anything beyond the basic settings like color and slope will not necessarily be directly mirrored in TG2, but rather broken down into more settings to allow greater flexibility and control.

- Oshyan