Import FBX from 3DS MAX?

Started by Greg44, December 07, 2022, 06:10:19 AM

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Hi, I'm following the VFX tutorials with the fighter jets. I'm trying to import cameras and animation using FBX from 3DS Max.
I've tried a bunch of different settings and FBX versions, but when I import, Terragen does not display a camera or Animation stack.

I've tried regular max camera and Vray camera, renaming the camera.
I've tried older FBX and newer FBX, ASC and Binary.
Export Camera checkbox is on. I've tried baking the animation.
Max system and file units are both in meters.

Are there special setting or or something?


I am no 3DSMAX expert but I`d say try a VERY old fbx preset.
The example file here has a 50f Camera animation exported with fbx 2016 from 3DSMAX version 2016.
Hannes here in the forum uses MAX. Maybe he answers and can help.

Which version of TG do you use? It does not work in the free version afaik.

CHeers, Klaus
/ ASUS WS Mainboard / Dual XEON E5-2640v3 / 64GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 TI / Win7 Ultimate . . . still (||-:-||)


It seems to work with with FBX 2012 specifically.

Kevin Kipper

In the video tutorials "Terragen for VFX" I exported the fbx files via the "2016" version.

Does the FBX file you've created load back into 3DS Max as you expect?  This would indicate that the FBX file itself is ok.

Terragen won't load geometry from the FBX file, only null objects, the camera and lights, along with the associated motion paths.


The way I got it to work was to export an FBX from Terragen, then import that to max and then manipulate the camera.
Then when I exported a new FBX from MAX with the 2012 export option, Terragen was able to see the camera it had made.

I haven't played with it enough yet, but it may have to be a "Free Camera"? Or named "Render Camera". Or the 2012 7.6 FBX?
It works, but seems to be picky about "something".
I haven't dived into what the details are yet.

I'll post here if I figure it out.
But this is enough to get going.


I don't use 3ds max but exporting animation as a .chan file might work for you.
I do this in Maya an it works well.
Did a quick search and found this maxscript that outputs .chan files:

Terragen info on .chan format:

To import animation for geometry you have to save it as an .obj at the origin (0 translation and rotation)
Then export a .chan file from the animated object
For cameras you can export a .chan and just create a standard TG cam and import the .chan

Advantages to this is that if you update the animation, all you have to do is update the .chan - you won't need to re-import the geo (especially if you've edited the mdoel in TG.