Another ring planet

Started by Hannes, January 16, 2023, 04:51:39 AM

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I'm still in my ring planet phase, also because of this shadow bug I mentioned here:,26825.0.html
For this one I rendered a version with no ring shadows in the planet's atmosphere, just on the planet surface itself, which looks a bit pale, and there's this displacement issue I mentioned on page 2 of the thread I posted above.
I used Photoshop to get rid of the displacement artifacts by using a render without ring shadows, and then I masked the area of the shadow in Photoshop and used the burn tool to enhance the shadow a bit.
I hope, Matt will find some time to take care of this bug...

Btw, the station is rendered separately.


Well, it looks awesome! It's great when you can do stuff in one go in TG, but often a little post is necessary. Hard for the purists, but well...


Thanks Ulco! For a still image it's OK, but for an animation it's quite inconvenient.


Well, you are used to a lot of work ;D



Another very cool image!
great terrestrial planet, even aside from the ring.
I wonder if the bright zone surrounding the shadow in the unaltered pics is some kind of negative or zereo shadow, I mean if the masking image sets the amount of shadow to zero no matter which shadow (planet object shadow vs ring cast shadow)???
You could test that by using mask images of different sizes.
Best regards,


Thanks a lot for your comment. I'm afraid, I don't exactly know what you mean.


Love everything about this arrangement !