I needed a (good) fast perlin generator for my WAS Node Suite for ComfyUI so I could make procedural textures to diffuse and stuff, so I spent some time learning stuff well above my head to create my own python perlin functions.
They don't actually use python for the heavy computation though, that's done with JIT and C.
Now if I can just do this for worley noise and not rely on a module for that. The original module I was using for perlin mode, was weird. Gave lots of calculation warnings like dividing by 0, and also produced a lot of dead generations (completely black). So this was much needed.
I actually eventually want add features to map generated textures to a sphere and use a path tracer engine that I've been looking at to render terrains and planets right within a stable diffusion pipeline. So far just building up all the noise functions and other stuff like warp noises, etc. Also need to figure out how to make these 3d/4d so I can traverse them. I theorize I can do that now, but still learning.