You may have noticed, that I plan a big war John!
French and English dude's, but who win's the battle...

In the meantime, I try to make you a happy Bunny with the next version of my HMS Victory?
Here I updated nearly all materials and imported new flags because in the old ones, some UVW coordinates weren't really correct.
After running into some minor problems, the first sail ship is done so far... please allow me to show you a first clay render.
I haven't seen it first, but later I saw that two of my flags (top left mast and keel post) collided with the ropes. Ups...
Flags collided with ropes
(AO Render)
I created with my flag animator several banners, flags and Gedöns, then I removed the old ones to get a new and exciting fresh look!
Flags can now be done in a very short time in perfect quality. My cloth simulation works excellent, and it's fun to simulate new banners.
Some new created flags and banners
Flag paint job
After designing all flags and painting some masks for shredding also, I imported them in my base mesh.
Here it is important to look carefully if there is any collision in the scene?
So here are no more collisions and beside of that, also commercials can be done easily!
So... write me for such a job if you're interested.

HMS Victory (1737) with a fresh and modern look
(Flag test successful... check...)
Then I exported the ship from 3DsMax as OBJ, edited the .mtl file and re-imported the mesh into Terragen.
Here I started to manipulate the shaders to develop an older and used looking vessel.
As a starter, it's not so bad!
HMS Victory (1737)
So I really hope, that you're satisfied with that version because it was a lot of work to do!
But I also had much fun doing it...
The other ships will have to follow now...