Sure, comping is another step to add.
But, Blender, BMD Fusion or DaVinci Resolve are free and more than capable and
there are definitively other free packages to use.
Animation and more complex stuff should be done this way anyway.
More Control of the final product anyway, often faster and more efficient,
always the saver route for large numbers of pictures.
Learning how to use these tricks (Render Layers etc) is always a good thing.
Since you are only covering up the reflections somehow from the clouds, don`t you think TG has to still calculate them, to check, if they need to be drawn on screen? Would that not slow down the render times unnecessarily?
Rendering clouds is rather slow anyways so having unused calculations in the background would be rather unwanted.
But that`s just me. I am not really interested to do all and everything in TG.
Especially when it comes to animating stuff in it. That is why we have the Render Layers in there.
Let`s hear what the TS thinks about this.

He did not say anything about other reflections or plants and so on.
CHeers, Klaus