Super displaced surfaces and shadow artifacts (bug?)

Started by moodflow, January 09, 2008, 01:51:26 PM

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If I create a surface thats highly displaced in multiple directions, I see strange and unnatural shadow artifacts on surfaces.  I "think" I remember reading that this was a known bug, but I am not sure.

I've tried increasing GI and quality to 1.0, but these shadows remain.

If it is a bug, is it resolved with the next update?
mood-inspiring images and music

Marcos Silveira

"Next update"?!?!?
It will be the final release man, it "HAS" to be fixed!!! :-[
At least, it is what I think...


you can try using soft shadows, seems to work sometimes. settings i use when i get those artifacts are diameter 5 and above, 20 and above samples
perfection is not when there's nothing more to add, it's reached when nothing more can be left out


@ro-nin:  I have to agree there...

@child:  I'll give that a shot.  I have a great image I've been really wanting to render, but those artifacts are killing it.  It might still crash due to the reflection bug.
mood-inspiring images and music


I came across this a while ago. For an answer to your question, pleaser read Matt's comments on page 2:


Thanks for that info njen.  Just means I gotta wait for that release... argghgh.
mood-inspiring images and music