Images having different brightness/contrast

Started by jwalker, January 23, 2008, 11:21:20 AM

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Hi, I'm rendering out separate images for a cube map and in some scenes one or two images will be brighter/darker than the others and no settings have been changed other than the rotation of the camera.  I'm exporting openEXR images to keep the full range of light but this still shows up.  Is there a setting somewhere that's auto-adjusting the levels of my images?


you can auto adjust the levels in photoshop.....but I dont think there is any other way from within TG2....
"His blood-terragen level is 99.99%...he is definitely drunk on Terragen!"


This is probably a GI issue which will be solved in the next release. Beside adjusting them in photoshop there's one other workaround and that's rendering images using a fill light setup without GI. If you really want to use GI then you'll have to wait for the next release.



It may also be in the settings used to convert the EXR image to 24 bit. You would have to make sure that the settings for the conversion were manually specified. Letting Photoshop automatically optimise them will introduce variation because each image will have a different range of intensities (especially towards the sun).

It may be wiser to stitch the panorama together first and then convert it to  24-bit... or leave it as a dynamic panorama if your viewer supports it. PTViewer has had this support for quite a while and there are others around.