Terragen problem

Started by Dangerouspower, January 24, 2008, 12:15:46 PM

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hello everyone,

I'm pretty new to terragen but ive been watching tons of tutorials but my problem(quistion) still remains when i watch on google video i can find movies of terragen landscapes that were recoreded in 3d (like hang gliding) when i make a map and press "3d preview" i looks really bad where do i click to get the screen that let's u record like the one from the movies ? thanks


if you are new to terragen...then I suggest you give version 2 a try.....Terragen 2 is more complex (not in scary way) and way better than Terragen 0.9
"His blood-terragen level is 99.99%...he is definitely drunk on Terragen!"


You need to examine scripting...or a scripting helper...

The scripting tools let you define camera, sun and cloud positions.

If I remember correctly there are basic instructions included with the application.

You can also use tools like campath http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~somalley/campath.html and terranim (available at Ashundar  http://www.ashundar.com/ I believe) to set up scripts that can then be used to generate the frame sequences for an animation.

The frame sequence is a collection of renderings that are numbered sequentially.

You will need a program to compile the resulting frame sequence into a movie file. VirtualDub http://www.virtualdub.org/ is a free application that lets you achieve this, and Quick Time Pro (from Apple) is a relatively cheap commercial application that will also turn a frame sequence into a movie.

Doing this with tg 0.9 is relatively easy...and depending upon your settings and the nature of the landscape, (water can really slow things down !) not too time consuming providing you have a reasonably fast machine.

It's not difficult in tg2 (tgtp) as long as you  have the deep + animation version. It's manual and keyframe based. The render times are currently fairly long in tgtp ...so any reasonable quality animation would most likely take quite a while to render.

Hope this helps..




I suggest starting with this tutorial on Terragen 0.9 animation:


Keep in mind that rendering an animation will take much longer than rendering a single Terragen image. For a 10 second video at 30 frames per second (standard frame rate), you have 300 frames, so it will take *300 times longer* than an equivalent resolution/detail still frame.

- Oshyan