Planetary image terrain map

Started by gregsandor, March 18, 2008, 05:41:09 AM

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In this image you see that I can wrap a texture around the planet; I wish to do the same with a greyscale image to create the underlying terrain.

The simplest node setup and parameters for doing the same with a heightmap (above Compute Terrain, so you can use computed normals):
The color image is applied in the same way, except no displacement is added.


VERY cool! I'll be watching this with interest...



I agree.  This could be interesting to see more detail about how you've accomplished this.
So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


it's nice to see others finding this out finally.

I really should have taking up that request and did that tutorial.

you beat me to it. ;)

a lot of people will be happy with knowing this. :D

you can def' have some fun with it.

just a matter of getting the images to not look fuzzy(just about no matter how large of a image you make/use it seems.

now if that can just figure a way to get the shaders to truly follow you're Grey-scale map to put more sharper details in would def' help this. lol

heres what you can get with using such styles of displacement and texturing for TG and the image shader(which is nice also because this cuts back on render times immensely. so in these are the oldest to newest. theres still quite a bit to learn in this area to truly perfect on how to get these images to really work and stand out without issues and with the help of being able to successfully blend displacement shaders with the normals/bumpmaps/hieghtmaps, this could go along ways of getting great planet with insane amount of work and render times ):