ok Jack,
congratulations, I hope this works out for you.
going to be hyper critical now 'cos you're into the commercial world and it just comes with the territory
The Logo:
The sub line of text in your logo really doesn't want to be all upper case, especially if it's a slightly 'fancy' font. Consider using upper and lower case, it's more natural and easier to read - maybe (only maybe) a more standard text font in the sub line (experiment with your main font and a couple of others), and possibly look for a way to make the line length of your header and sub line the same?
The tree in the logo seems a tad too big - not much, but could do with coming down in size a smidgeon. (You're probably wanting the logo to show off the quality of the trees. Understandable, but it can't so don't bother, let the product speak for itself, your logo merely identifies you.)
The trees:
Look excellent, as we've come to expect from you, especially like the close up preview. The only tiny crit might be that the two versions are very very similar. (If this was deliberate - ignore me
all in all, a great start
I'm downloading now, definitely consider another vendor - man is turbosquid slo-o-o-o-ow!