Limiting Altitude for Trees

Started by Luminos, September 08, 2008, 05:54:32 AM

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I've been forum scanning for a few hours now but I can't find any way to limit the altitude for trees. If there a way? Chances are it's obvious.

If theres a forum I've missed please post a link, otherwise instructions would be appreciated.

WoooOOooo I am WinDeXTor! I will clean your Soul! HA Ha ha (Echoing Laugh here)


Add a Surface Layer or Distribution Shader via "use density shader". In either case you can set altitude and slope constraints.
Richard :)

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


It's been discussed quite a few times.

The simplest way is to create a Surface Layer and to conect it to population as a distribution function. Then you can adjust trees distribution the same way as with surface layers (attitude, coverage, slope, etc.).

You can also try with Image Overlay or even Power Fractal.


Just remember to set the colour of the surface shader to white