Quote from: bobbystahr on March 11, 2014, 10:36:05 AM
Quote from: Upon Infinity on March 10, 2014, 08:59:02 PM
Finally figured out how to texture objects. And to celebrate, posting this object for everyone to use. Enjoy!
Nice one, thank you. Soooo...how did you do the U/V mapping...did you start with and .obj and convert in PoseRay or use some other program to model it that exports .obj?
Sorry, guys, I should have been clear. Terragen was not used to texture this object. I used a modelling program called 3D Coat to produce the rock, where it was modelled and texture painted. Don't ask me how to texture in terragen, because outside of some surface layer trickery, I have no idea.
I just have made the object available for use in Terragen. I may at some point release the .obj and .mtl files on TurboSquid for a couple of bucks, I haven't decided yet. But I will make the .tgo available for free to the Terragen forum as a small thanks for what the community here has done to help me learn this program.