Hi all,
A couple of weeks ago Matt gave a call to arms to either make some entries into the documentation, or to make a tutorial. Well, I decided to make a tutorial. When I first began using Terragen 2 there was no documentation, and I just had to muddle though most of my questions. In writing this tutorial I wanted to cover the aspects of TG2 which I found puzzling or frustrating. Additionally, I have made some objects for use with the tutorial. These are high polygon models that hold up well even at close range. They are my little donation to the cause! Enjoy them.
In the tutorial you see my note to direct questions to my email address and if you do that its ok with me.
However, I will look to answer question within this forum as well!
It was pointed out to me that there might be some confusion about an omission that I inavertenly made in the tutorial PDF. When you load the "Empty terrain" you must press the "Generate" button to get Terragen 2 to create the starting terrain! Second, your camera will be moved to a different location during the tutorial.Gary Poole
Here is the PDF alone, without objects:
You can download the tutorial zip file with all example objects here:
[link expired]
- Gary