Cant load my tgd file

Started by mani1602, June 09, 2009, 01:27:19 AM

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Hi all,

Yesterday i worked on a new scene and saved it as usual. Today i want to open it but TG shows me an error-message.

When i close the message and look to the node network, all shader and objects are missing and nothing is connectet to the planet. i have also no highfields when i click on terrain.

enclose there is the message and a preview from the scene. Maby someone can help me out.

The error message is: Parse error at line 607; not well formed (invalid token)

Thanks, Mani



Looks like a corrupted save, it happens with all software from time to time. Have you been saving in increments? It's a good idea to, so you can not only retreive most of your work from an earlier save, but if something you're working on heads in the wrong direction, you can always roll back.

Try and open your TGD file in a text editor, you may be able to get a look at what values you had in what nodes.


Were you by any chance using a painted shader just before you shut down? If so, see this thread:

Opening the file in a text editor and deleting the <custom> </custom> tags will get you back to where you were (minus the painted shader)


ohh cool, thanks a lot.

i did not use any painted shader in this scene. but i can see all settings in the editor and can remake the szene now.


What's probably happened is that you've loaded an object, terrain or image file that has non-English characters in the filename or in the folder that it's in. Try opening the .tgd file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad or Wordpad). The problem will be on line 607. You'll need to rename your object/terrain/image to something without non-English characters (sorry) and make sure it's in a folder without non-English characters, and edit the .tgd to reference the new filename (or just give it an empty string, i.e. "", and point it to the new filename after you've been able to load the project in Terragen.)

Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.


Yes you´re right.
I had one shader named with an " ü " now i wrote " ue " and i can load the file normaly.



You can also resurrect an earlier version of a saved file in Windows by right clicking on the file accessing My Computer and bring yourself back to it.