Perspective System used in TG2

Started by Cyber-Angel, July 22, 2009, 11:39:41 AM

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What kind of perspective system dose TG2 use. is it perchance the cheat based on Matrix Manipulation? Would there be any way of implementing the perspective methods of Filippo Brunelleschi into TG2 so that we may use one, two and three point Linear Perspective including been able to set vanishing points, by both free hand sketching and perspective grid methods ideally.

One last thing could we also have foreshortening as part of the perspective system, please, as it would make things more realistic at least form an artistic construction point of view?

Regards to you,

Cyber-Angel    ;D         


TG2 already uses linear perspective. That gives you foreshortening, vanishing points etc. The number of vanishing points will depend on the objects in your scene - any set of parallel lines creates a vanishing point.

Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.


OK, Thanks for the Explanation Matt.


Regards to you.
