a brassy shader clip file ***UPDATED*** now with copper shader

Started by inkydigit, December 11, 2009, 06:11:41 PM

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a brassy one for you!

simple shader set up, just attach to your parts shader/surface layer etc....

as seen here http://forums.planetside.co.uk/index.php?topic=8227.0

have fun!


Linda McCarthy

Thank you!  I've been looking for a metallic shader to use to dress my XD objects.


Might put this on a ship sometime... Looks cool, haven't gotten a chance to see it in TG2 yet though...
They just issued a tornado warning and said to stay away from windows. Does that mean I can't use my computer?


Thanks a ton. This should help me understand how to build a shader.

Marc Gebhart


here is the copper shader as seen here: http://forums.planetside.co.uk/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=8227.0;attach=20998;image.... a slightly simpler set up....have fun!


So this is Disney World.  Can we live here?


thank you inky - I've got a render going with your shader and it is looking great!  Have to read about these, much to learn here and much appreciated!!