The Grudge

Started by dandelO, April 09, 2010, 10:12:39 PM

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The view from the World's outermost Scotmonaut, dandelO's window, aboard the one and only manned deep-space module CassinO.



And now a brief message from just outside Saturn's orbit:


... ... ... Breaker one-nayne, ..eaker on... ...ayne... ! ... ... Require a rig-chec... ...Mic test..., ...c ...est... Over... me just ...pen the ...indow to check th... ant...nna..., it's a ...ittle smoky ...n here... ...



Okay, um... what? Um, we um... ... Back to the studio!





Thanks for looking! :D


lol !!!
splendid logo !


Great rings - how are you making them? (and don't say with smoke :D)


Really nice image and Logo , dandelO  :)

Can you make the shadows a little sharper ?


Nice job. What do those rings look like in close ups?

Henry Blewer

Great planet! I like the logo also.
Forget Tuesday; It's just Monday spelled with a T


Thanks, folks. :)

dombib: Not smoke but close ;). The rings are the cloud layer method that I made from a few weeks ago. There are some example .tgd's in the following thread, the one from this post is most like the model I used here...
These Saturn ring clouds use quality settings of; No acceleration cache, enable ray-traced shadows checked and a final quality setting of 33(= 2035 samples).

Kadri: I did have the shadows quite a bit sharper in tweaking, I raised the softness because I thought it helped increase the sense of a massive scale... The true scales of the scene are ridiculous, the main planet has a radius of only 12 metres, the smallest moon is 0.25 metres! ;)
I suppose I could give it another got reverting back to harder shadows, it isn't a long render, maybe another time.

In a full scale planet, I had samples in excess of 15,000, just for a quality of '1'.
It's still really quick to render, regardless of the huge samples taken, the ring layer is so thin. The full scale 'cloud depth'(controls how far they extend outwards from the equator) is '5.5e+007', that drives samples through the roof! Lucky it's so thin, eh? :D

I ultimately went back to working with a small-scaled model simply because the huge numbers were a pain to balance and. There are certain parameters that need to all match up to make an internal TG ring system with clouds this way; cloud depth, sin scales, surface layer alt' constraints and simple shape shader sizes(which removes some rings close to the planet's surface) all need to match up relatively. Juggling the huge e+00xx numbers was too much for my little brain to find much fun in for a quick project.
I found great difficulty, for example, creating as convincing a huge sin wave for the rings at this size.

After all, it isn't as if it's a real planet anyway, just zeros and ones, true scale doesn't matter, in this instance.
I believe it's big! Shhh, don't tell anyone. :D ;)

Cheers! :)


Look at a full scaled version example shot...

How 'bout that for some cloud samples!
Deceptive, though, it's still quick rendering due to its wafer-thinness.


Freelancah: Thanks. And, no idea, yet. Might get up close soon...

Cheers, Henry. :)


Hardly any nodes, and free version render-friendly...

Enjoy! :)


I love this image, DandelO, very well done!


Very cool....superbly done. Is that logo on the upper left of your shirt? :)
I want one.........


Cheers, folks! :) It was really just a quick play with the planet ring-cloud troubleshooting files I had from a while ago. I hadn't opened TG for a week or two so I opened some random unfinished things from lack of Terragen inspiration, this is one. :)

Markal: Of course it isn't on my shirt! Don't you know? We space travellers wear fabric boiler-suits, my good man. Nothing less will get you through the Van Allen radiation belt like them. Well, barring the necessary tin-foil and paper space craft, of course!
Shirt, indeed!

:D :D :D