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Terragen Discussion / Re: Odd holes in Planet 1 surf...
Last post by Dune - October 04, 2024, 02:14:08 AM
Aren't they wave patterns from the water shader? There's only 256 possibilites, so if the surface is large enough you'll see some repeition. That might be the case here. What if you turn waves off, or use a mix of 2 or three seeds (in 2 or 3 water shaders)?
Terragen Discussion / Re: Can you generate procedura...
Last post by Dune - October 04, 2024, 02:08:57 AM
If you use a soft enough map the transition can be regulated through color adjust shaders, and you can use different seeds/fractals/displacement maps for bathymetry or dry ground, using that map as mask or inverted mask. Even use a third fractal for transition areas. So a lot is possible.
Also, displacement can also be fed by color, preferably unclamped. A (blue) smooth step can be used to 'flatten' peaks in a smooth way.
Terragen Discussion / Re: Can you generate procedura...
Last post by AlianaAR - October 03, 2024, 10:43:40 PM

I'm starting to have substantial success. I've discovered it's all about the displacement map image!

I'll be working all night..I'm quite excited to have solved this major issue. I'll post a pic when I have some fine tuned results.
Open Discussion / Re: Thinking about a new works...
Last post by politicsnutty - October 03, 2024, 09:34:07 PM
Quote from: aknight0 on November 07, 2023, 11:46:49 PMLate reply, but this old post from Oshyan on the subject is still pretty relevant, as Terragen hasn't changed too much in the last decade  ;) rider 3d
::) ::) ::)
Image Sharing / Re: Morning Glory
Last post by Doug - October 03, 2024, 08:38:47 PM
that one looks good
Terragen Discussion / Odd holes in Planet 1 surface....
Last post by AlianaAR - October 03, 2024, 07:14:03 PM
Guys, I'm working through another project and am learning thanks a lot to the guidenace I'm getting here. I have a more complex challenge but  I have this related issue:

I created a global ocean with no dry land using the Planet 1 default with an ocean sphere and a water shader. To get all the land below water, I had to set a negative Displacement Offset with an increased Coastline Altitude.  It does work but near the horizon I'm getting weird patterns of round depressions.

Anyone understand this issue?
Terragen Discussion / Re: Can you generate procedura...
Last post by AlianaAR - October 03, 2024, 06:37:04 PM
Okay, perhaps I'm asking the question incorrectly. I'll use the attached profile diagram and image to explain what I want to do.

Main goal: Create an exoplanet with islands and continents shaped the way I want them. This must be done with procedural surfaces so no matter what the camera altitude, i.e. near surface, low orbit, or planet wide view all hold up. The random seed terrain is great. I don't mind that but want it done only on dry land.

The only method thus far where I've gotten the dry land shape I want is with a displacement image map. I can get the dry land to displace in my custom shape, however in order to get a very gradual depth falloff I have to turn the global displacement down so low it creates all kinds of odd errors in the render.

This needs a global ocean. I want to be able to control level of displacement for dry land and the seafloor separately. The native displacement of the fractal terrain displaces random both up and down in elevation. I don't want it to go down so far you lose the depth falloff as view from low orbit or a whole world view.

The planet image below is Scarif from Star Wars: Rouge One. I want my planet to look this way but with the landmasses shaped the way I want them that holds up no matter the camera altitude.

Yes, I've played with the Adjust Coastline function. However, it seems that moving the coastline up in altitude is very limited and directly related to the amount of displacement in the PF shader.

Question 1: Can the random negative displacement of the Power Fractal Shader v3 be turned off or limited? If so how.

Question 2: Can displacement for terrain elevation be controlled selectively, vs globally when using a PF?

Possible solution - Will using two planets in the same location that are the same size give me the controllability I want? Or will that have bad results? Planet 1 for above sea level and planet 2 below?

Terragen Discussion / Re: Can you generate procedura...
Last post by Kevin Kipper - October 03, 2024, 05:35:07 PM
I'm not clear about the rig you're using, but if you're using the Power fractal shader to displace the terrain, try checking the Adjust Coastline checkbox and then adjust the Coastline altitude and Coastline smoothing values to your liking.  These are found under the Displacement tab of the shader.
Terragen Discussion / Re: Can you generate procedura...
Last post by AlianaAR - October 03, 2024, 03:52:54 PM
Quote from: Kevin Kipper on September 26, 2024, 04:31:59 PMFirst create an image based on your planet texture map that can be used to mask areas on the planet.  It would sort of look like an alpha channel of the planet's continents.  The continents would be white and the ocean area black.  Load the image into an Image Map shader and set its projection to spherical, then change the Y axis Position value to match your planet's Y axis Centre value.


Connect the Image Map shader to the Mask Shader input on one of Terragen's procedural noise nodes, such as the Power Fractal shader v3.  Now you've constrained the surface displacement to just the continents.

To create different terrains, just change the noise node's Seed parameter.  Of course, you can change any of the noise node's parameters to further change the look of the terrain.

If you want to shift the positions of the continents, try using a Fractal Warp shader to distort the Image Map used to mask the continents.

I have another question about this. When I use the rig you provided the displacement is going negative more than positive. To ask a simple question can you limit or turn off negative displacement from sea level?

I want to use the procedural terrain globally. I just want to displace the continent shapes upward leaving the global fractal terrain as a seafloor but still have fractal terrain generated on top of the displacement.

The rig you provided doesn't do this because the native displacement goes both up and down.
Image Sharing / Morning Glory
Last post by Stormlord - October 03, 2024, 10:30:42 AM
I recently updated my older Terragen 4.1.15 to the current version 4.8.12.
Started plying around I created a nice "over the clouds" rendering, which I have inserted into a "Out of Window in a Plane" view.
I never did that before, but it looks great!

Morning Glory.jpg
Morning Glory
4K Rendering with MP 06 and AA 5

Morning Glory (Aircraft Window).jpg
Morning Glory in an A330 Lufthansa Windows