Planetside Software Forums

Support => Terragen Support => Topic started by: WAS on January 01, 2021, 09:37:31 PM

Title: Power Fractal Clamped Noise
Post by: WAS on January 01, 2021, 09:37:31 PM
The clumping variation doesn't do anything, even though it's active. Was just having a go with wild settings to see what sorta noise I could create and noticed in Clamped variation method, it doesn't do anything but the setting is exposed, where buoyancy is disabled. Might as well disable both it seems?
Title: Re: Power Fractal Clamped Noise
Post by: Tangled-Universe on January 02, 2021, 09:04:22 AM
It does work, but it's very subtle compared to the other modes and not visible with default'ish settings.
To make it visible:
Set contrast to 5, offset to -1 and roughness to 1.
Set noise variation to anything but 0.

Clumping works now, but only within 0-1 range. Negative values seem to be ran through an abs transform as -0.5 gives the same result as 0.5.

Why it's way less strong and obvious than the other variation methods, I have no idea.
Title: Re: Power Fractal Clamped Noise
Post by: WAS on January 02, 2021, 03:39:27 PM
Oh yeah, it's very subtle isn't it. I couldn't even see a difference in displacement or colour added, needed to use a differnce shader.

PS a difference of perlin with unclamped variation produces a nice perlin billows mix without the meandering lines.

name = "Power fractal shader v3 01_1"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "900 420 0"
gui_group = ""
enable = "1"
input_node = ""
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "0"
gui_preview_patch_size = "1000 1000"
seed = "28089"
feature_scale = "1"
lead-in_scale = "1000"
smallest_scale = "0.01"
noise_octaves = "19"
obey_smoothing_filter = "1"
noise_stretch_XYZ = "1 1 1"
apply_high_colour = "1"
high_colour = "1 1 1"
apply_low_colour = "0"
low_colour = "0 0 0"
colour_contrast = "0.5"
colour_offset = "0"
colour_roughness = "1"
clamp_high_colour = "1"
clamp_low_colour = "1"
apply_displacement = "0"
displacement_direction = "1"
displacement_amplitude = "1"
displacement_offset = "0"
displacement_roughness = "1"
displacement_spike_limit = "1"
continue_spike_limit = "0"
adjust_coastline = "0"
coastline_altitude = "0"
coastline_smoothing = "30"
noise_flavour = "0"
ridge_smoothing = "0.1"
gully_smoothing = "0.1"
noise_variation = "1"
variation_method = "0"
buoyancy_from_variation = "0.25"
clumping_of_variation = "1"
better_colour_continuity = "0"
better_displacement_continuity = "1"
distort_by_normal = "0"
distortion_by_normal = "5"
lead-in_warp_effect = "0"
lead-in_warp_amount = "0.5"
less_warp_at_feature_scale = "0"
allow_vertical_warp = "0"
four-d_noise = "0"
four-d_noise_speed = "0.1"
reference_frame_number = "0"
blend_by_shader = "0"
blending_shader = ""
fit_blendshader_to_this = "0"
invert_blendshader = "0"
name = "Power fractal shader v3 01"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "720 420 0"
gui_group = ""
enable = "1"
input_node = ""
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "1"
gui_preview_patch_size = "31.25 31.25"
seed = "28089"
feature_scale = "1"
lead-in_scale = "1000"
smallest_scale = "0.01"
noise_octaves = "19"
obey_smoothing_filter = "1"
noise_stretch_XYZ = "1 1 1"
apply_high_colour = "1"
high_colour = "1 1 1"
apply_low_colour = "0"
low_colour = "0 0 0"
colour_contrast = "0.5"
colour_offset = "0"
colour_roughness = "1"
clamp_high_colour = "1"
clamp_low_colour = "1"
apply_displacement = "0"
displacement_direction = "1"
displacement_amplitude = "1"
displacement_offset = "0"
displacement_roughness = "1"
displacement_spike_limit = "1"
continue_spike_limit = "0"
adjust_coastline = "0"
coastline_altitude = "0"
coastline_smoothing = "30"
noise_flavour = "0"
ridge_smoothing = "0.1"
gully_smoothing = "0.1"
noise_variation = "1"
variation_method = "0"
buoyancy_from_variation = "0.25"
clumping_of_variation = "0"
better_colour_continuity = "0"
better_displacement_continuity = "1"
distort_by_normal = "0"
distortion_by_normal = "5"
lead-in_warp_effect = "0"
lead-in_warp_amount = "0.5"
less_warp_at_feature_scale = "0"
allow_vertical_warp = "0"
four-d_noise = "0"
four-d_noise_speed = "0.1"
reference_frame_number = "0"
blend_by_shader = "0"
blending_shader = ""
fit_blendshader_to_this = "0"
invert_blendshader = "0"
name = "Difference scalar 01"
gui_use_node_pos = "1"
gui_node_pos = "800 340 0"
gui_group = ""
enable = "1"
input_node = "Power fractal shader v3 01"
gui_use_preview_patch_size = "1"
gui_preview_patch_size = "31.25 31.25"
input_2 = "Power fractal shader v3 01_1"