Started by cyphyr, February 24, 2013, 12:53:43 PM

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Ok here goes :)

I'm still roughing out the idea or ideas for this one but I thought I would start a WIP thread to document development as it progresses.

Roads join place to place but by implication also form a barrier, a separation, one side of a road can be very different from the other. My concept (which is liable to change somewhat and evolve) is to illustrate this duality, one side will be green verdant nature, rolling hills, pastures and forests; the other will be an industrial post apocalyptic wasteland, burnt out cars and crumbling buildings.

I also want to bring in the idea of a journey and destination, where dose this strange road lead? I'm unclear how to illustrate this part as yet.

Below are some concept ideas and montages of images attempting to show the direction I want to take this in. I'm also using this as an opportunity to get to grips with my pen tablet to sketch out the rough ideas first before diving into Terragen.

Good luck everybody and feedback is always appreciated  ;D



Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Interesting, Richard! Looking forward to the next steps


You've already got a winner, the way you handle this, Richard. Very interesting concept. I like it because I did a little animation some time ago about a road that starts in lush landscape and goes out into wasteland, so I'm really looking forward to your progress. You've just got your tablet? It's great! Never can work without it anymore.


Today I couldn't avoid diving into Terragen. These are nothing composition wise but are developing the "wasteland" look that will be on one side of the image. Also the beginnings of an idea of how to show a destroyed city with not too many variations of simple structures repeated but keeping their rotations at 0, 90, 80, and 270. Reasonable happy but I will need a fair number more.
Cheers and C&C very welcome

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


One more of the Wasteland test images. I need to make a lot more objects to populate for buildings, wall etc, maybe 10 more of each and drop the density right down so there's as little visible repeat as possible.

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Promising start. You do have to look at the voronoi, warp it off its regularity, I'd say.


The wasteland texture is working well Richard. Will it travel across the road into your green?


Just a small update. I've been working on the road, specifically the shape of it on screen. I've tried a number of configurations, long perspective, side on, even above. Nothing was doing it for me. I'm not there yet but I like the sweep of the central one in this group. Something like that.
C&C welcome.

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)



I like sense of scale, generally, and the top left and centre one work nicely in that regard.
The top left one has a bit too straight road though and yes like Jo said the centre has a bit too much voronoi, but I think the point here is look dev.
I'd go for one of those two.


Yes this is "Look Dev" so there are lots of inconsistencies, I also like to try out different lighting, atmo and surface ideas, anything really at this point, just so I get to see how things look in context. Lots of stuff will get abandoned, evolved from etc and little if anything is "final" at this point.
I'm liking the sweeping style of the latest ones (lighting don't work in the last one) but I want to get the view point better so I can see the flat desert area, the receding hills with the snaking road properly visible and the verdant hills more prominent to the left.
ps: yes the voronoi in the middle of the road has gone and where it stays has had a little warp to break it up :)

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Small update.

Firstly, I'm abandoning the fancy borders, not sure why I did it. It's not part of the competition, looks really naff and is not something I usually do anyway ... so it's gone.

Secondly, the road shape is pretty good now, it's got the sweep I'm looking for AND I've been able to knock back some of the hills in the middle distance so hopefully as the road receded there will be a "layering" of misty hills for it to pass by.

Thirdly I've started experimenting with the "verdant" left hand side of the image. It's going to need a LOT of trees. But I don't want them to obscure the road so they will have to be layered with the taller vegetation to the back.

I'm at present aiming for something between look_dev-04 and look_dev-05, mountains on the left higher, green over/under lapping the road but not so much as 04. The road probably will be lighter grey with brown mud/dust down the centre.

That's it for now, enjoy and C&C welcome.



Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)