Jo Kariboo WIP road

Started by Jo Kariboo, March 02, 2013, 12:00:07 PM

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Haha you have plenty of time left :)

I just wanted to say that I definitely like the latest version too!
I only prefer the daylight version over the last one, but like Frank said it really is good work already.
As far as I know the daylight version meets the criteria, although I see why you made this last version as it focusses better on the road.

Choices, choices ;D

Good luck!


Interesting responses as I actually quite like this latest one (not to say it's necessarily better than the previous one, but it's still quite nice). The back-lighting of the vegetation is superb, as is the atmosphere, haze, and lighting in the distance. The figure bicycling away looks pretty natural, which is not necessarily easy to achieve. Overall this is getting very close, to my eye.

- Oshyan

Jo Kariboo

Not too certain that it is really realistic but perhaps more than my version dayligt which I currently work over again.


Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I quite like this version. The color and glow in the sky (and "silver lining" on the clouds) is great. My only criticism now would be the leaves on the foreground trees look a bit flat and unnatural, but I don't know if you have access to higher quality models.

- Oshyan

Jo Kariboo

Thank you Oshyan. I do not believe to have plants currently of greater qualities. It is one and not it only reason which pushes me to take part in this contest. A perhaps a little chance to have  x-frog and Walli plants.


I like this version as well, it has a good feel to it. I think some ruts in the path will enhance its reality, some differently warped lines (crossing each other), where the stones are crushed/smaller. Or just a central worn area with smaller, dusty stone cover.

Jo Kariboo

Thank you Ulco for your suggestions. I will try some thing in the version of the daylight. I am not certain to have the technical training on the other hand to make some things good.

Jo Kariboo

A other wip with a different subject.
start with dessert road from Dandel'O, cyclist from Terrade, vegetations Dune

Jo Kariboo

Encore un autre test. Not convinced actually about the clouds.
(strart with efflux file) vegetations: dune


I love the way you're doing that B&W stuff. You have a very nice workflow for doing that!
I'd like to suggest: make a tutorial about it after the contest ;)

I agree about the clouds, but there's plenty of time to fix those.
At the moment there's also not a really clearly visible road, but yet again still enough time to do that.


Great images! I would also be quite interested in how you (post) work those B&W images. They're incredibly beautiful.


Jo Kariboo

Thank you mhaze and Dune. Ok Martin and Ulco I will think of a small tutorial to direct people to make black and white. My English being really far from elaborate, this tutorial will understand perhaps especially links explaining how to get such results. For those which are of my generation and which worked black and white film and darkroom know already that it is not solely enough to remove the color with the digital images and to put the image black and white. It should be known that the films black and white had sensitized one with the color and that it was possible at the time of the catch of sight to increase certain color and to decrease by it by others for a required result. Filters with the catch of sight, knowledge of the "The Zones System" and a methodical work in darkroom allowed a perfect control of made required. With the digital one it is possible to more easily apply certain its bases with photo software.
I put  a tutorial with links by the end of April. Currently I go concentrated on this competition. :)