Changing shader parameters from an .OBJ is very slow in TG3, any fix?

Started by Aerometrex, August 20, 2013, 10:53:52 PM

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I'm trying to modify some shader parameters associated to a large .OBJ such as displacement or specular and since I switched to TG3 it takes a few minutes to get access back to TG after each single actions.
To be clear, this is what I'm trying to to for each material ( I have about 20).

Add an displacement image to on of my material.
change the Displacement multiplier.
Change the Reflectivity.

Is it possible that TG is trying to update the small 3D preview of my object directly?
Is is possible to deactivate the small preview?

I'm dealing with large .OBJ and never add this issue with TG2.
It is frustrating and I have to go back to TG2 to setup my scene and materials and then reopen the project in TG3 afterward.

I've attached a screengrab of my memory usage. What you see is the result of two actions (changing the displacement multiplier value and then loading my displacement map). TG freezes and is inaccessible when you see the undulations in the memory graph.

Any clues would be more than welcome.
I am passionate  about the art and science of digital aerial mapping, photogrammetry, geospatial information, VR and 3D modelling.



You can disable the small object preview. There is a button in the top right above the objects node list. Clicking this shows and hides the small object preview. I'd be very interested to hear if this improves things for you.




Hi Jo,

Problem fixed.

I'm dealing with .OBJ >1Gb and TG was updating the preview.

All good now, thanks a lot.
I am passionate  about the art and science of digital aerial mapping, photogrammetry, geospatial information, VR and 3D modelling.