Making objects for TG2 (part2) transparency and illumination (of).

Started by TheBadger, August 26, 2012, 08:25:57 PM

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If no one else does before I do, Ill try to put up a fresh file for you this week. Bit busy now.
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Here you go.

1) A test scene.
2) A test object with related parts.

I went over everything.
The only thing I did different from my instructions is to increase decay distance (in the water shader) to a huge number like 2e+008 (info provided by Richard). Doing so will remove a bit of the black from the glass.
And changed color tint in the water shader to white.

So from this :

To this:

You can see that in the first image there is a lot of black. I think the only way to really get rid of this effect is if a actual glass shader is created by Planetside. Basically one shader that does what we have done here, but without that black effect stuff.

The scene is default except for the object nodes discussed here, and in my instructions.

The object is made of two parts and combined. The frame and the glass. In this test I made everything look like glass including the frame.

In this test object the "pane of glass" is a plain object. I would recommend that in some situations it would be better to use a 3d rectangle instead of a super thin plain object.

If anyone has any problem with the .7z Please let me know.
It has been eaten.


I couldn't open it, but never mind. Your glass looks very black still. Better set decay to a huge number as well, and change the refraction index to that of glass: 1.51714. Here's my version.


Hmmm just checked it opened fine for me. .7z made with "7zX"

Ill take a look at yours too ulco, thanks.
It has been eaten.


Well, I'm online now, and I don't have all this stuff installed on this partition. I can open it on my working partition though, I'm sure.


I've lately just started adding a Water shader adjusted for infinite decay in the Opacity function slot in the Opacity tab...seems to work well and I like the solution for a frosty white glass Ulco...never tried jacking up the tint to infinite but that works well.
something borrowed,
something Blue.
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Bobby Stahr, Paracosmologist