Terragen Input Settings (Mac)

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These are the input settings for the Mac version of Terragen 3. The inputs for each part of the interface are listed and described, along with the mouse or key inputs.

The mouse and key inputs shown are for the Universal input presets, which is the default. You can choose different input presets in the Input Settings preferences panel. If you do choose a different set of presets you can see what the mouse or key inputs are by opening the Mouse and Key Settings Window from the Help menu in TG3.

Some of the input settings have abbreviations. This is what the abbreviations mean:

  • LMB : Left mouse button
  • MMB : Middle mouse button
  • RMB : Right mouse button
  • MW: Mouse wheel
  • ctrl: control key
  • opt: option key

You can find the default Windows input settings here.

Universal Bindings[edit]

3D Preview[edit]

These inputs are for the 3D Preview. There are separate sets of inputs for navigation and the painting mode. These are detailed further below.

Default click: The basic mouse click action

Input: LMB

Add to selection click: Add the clicked item to the current selection (population instance editing only)

Input: shift-LMB

Orbit: Orbit the view

Inputs: opt-LMB

Translate: Move or pan around the view

Inputs: opt-ctrl-LMB

Zoom: Zoom the view

Inputs: opt-shift-LMB

Zoom in: Zoom into the view

Inputs: =
MW up

Zoom out: Zoom out of the view

Inputs: -
MW down

Context click: Shows the context menu

Inputs: ctrl-LMB

Delete: Delete the selected item

Inputs: delete
forward delete

Restore population instance: Add a deleted population instance back to the population

Inputs: shift-delete
shift-forward delete

Reset population instance transform: Reset the transform for a population instance

Input: shift-r

Pause: Pause the 3D Preview

Input: p

Reset: Reset the 3D Preview to default settings

Input: r

Increase exposure: Increases the exposure of the camera being used by the preview

Inputs: =
num pad +

Decrease exposure: Decreases the exposure of the camera being used by the preview

Inputs: -
num pad -

Increase near clip distance: Increases the distance from the camera to the near clipping plane. If the preview starts to look peculiar, all kind of broken up, then adjusting the clipping plane distance may help to fix this.

Input: ]

Decrease near clip distance: Decreases the distance from the camera to the near clipping plane. If the preview starts to look peculiar, all kind of broken up, then adjusting the clipping plane distance may help to fix this.

Input: [

Toggle focus point selection mode: This toggles the focus point selection mode, where you can click to set the focus point for the 3D Preview

Input: shift-f

Centre on focus point: Centres the view on the current focus point

Input: f

Toggle Look At point selection mode: This toggles the Look At point selection mode, where you can click in the 3D Preview to move the camera look at the chosen point.

Input: shift-l

Fit to subject: Fit the 3D Preview to the selected item, or the item shown in an object or shader preview

Input: s

Toggle auto exposure

Input: a

Cancel action: Cancels the current action or exits the current mode

Input: esc

Open param view for selected item: Opens the param view for the currently selected item

Input: opt-return

Drop selected to terrain: This drops the selected item to the terrain

Input: d

Show drop point: Shows the drop point for the selected item. This is where the item would sit if it was dropped to the terrain.

Input: shift-d

Switch transform mode: This changes between transform modes for the selected item

Input: t

Toggle compass: Shows or hides the compass in the top left of the preview

Input: c

Change compass style: Rotates through the compass styles. At present there are two styles, a 2D compass showing heading and 3D XYZ axes

Input: shift-c

Toggle measure mode: Turns measure mode on or off

Input: m

Copy view to current render camera: Copies the view to the current render camera

Input: return

Toggle Rule of Thirds guides: Shows or hides "Rule of Thirds" guides to help with composition

Input: 3

Toggle redraw elapsed time: Shows or hides a display of the average time it takes for the preview to render. This is shown in the bottom right of the 3D Preview

Input: e

Toggle Depth-of-field preview: This turns the Depth-of-field preview or and off

Input: l

3D Preview - Navigation[edit]

These inputs can be used to move the camera around the 3D Preview. They can only be used with keys. They're self explanatory.

Move forward

Input: up arrow

Move backward

Input: down arrow

Move left

Input: left arrow

Move right

Input: right arrow

Move up

Input: ctrl-up arrow

Move down

Input: ctrl-down arrow

Rotate left

Input: ctrl-left arrow

Rotate right

Input: ctrl-right arrow

Tilt up

Input: ctrl-shift-up arrow

Tilt down

Input: ctrl-shift-down arrow

Bank left

Input: ctrl-shift-left arrow

Bank right

Input: ctrl-shift-right arrow

Increase movement speed

Input: x

Decrease movement speed

Input: z

3D Preview - Painting mode[edit]

These inputs are only available when the 3D Preview is switched into Paint mode for editing Painted Shaders.

Brush stroke: This is the mouse button which paints brush strokes

Input: LMB

Toggle stroke type (paint/eraser): Switch between paint and eraser brush strokes

Input: v

Stop painting: This turns the painting mode off

Input: esc

Increase brush size: Increases the size of the brush

Inputs: shift-=
shift-num pad +
opt-MW up

Decrease brush size: Decreases the size of the brush

Inputs: shift--
shift-num pad -
opt-MW down

Animation Panel[edit]

These are the inputs for the Animation Panel.

Default click: The basic mouse click action

Input: LMB

Add to selection click: Adds items to the current selection

Input: shift-LMB

Zoom: Zoom in on the view

Inputs: opt-shift-LMB

Zoom frames in: Zoom frames in

Inputs: =
MW up

Zoom frames out: Zoom frames out

Inputs: -
MW down

Zoom values in: Zoom values in

Inputs: shift--
shift-MW up
shift-MW left

Zoom values out: Zoom values out

Inputs: shift-=
shift-MW down
shift-MW right

Windowed zoom: Do a windowed zoom, where you click and drag to select an area of the view to zoom in on

Input: cmd-LMB

Context click: Shows the context menu

Inputs: ctrl-LMB

Pan: Move or scroll the view

Inputs: opt-LMB

Pan up: Scroll the view up

Input: shift-up arrow

Pan down: Scroll the view down

Input: shift-down arrow

Pan left: Scroll the view left

Inputs: shift-left arrow
MW left

Pan right: Scroll the view right

Inputs: shift-right arrow
MW right

Fit to working range: Fits the view to the current working range

Input: f

Fit to selected keys: Fits the view to the selected keys

Input: shift-f

Fit to curve/current item: This fits the view to selected curve(s) or item

Input: d

Reset view to origin: Pans

Input: o

Centre frame cursor in view: Centre the frame cursor in the view

Input: c

Centre value guide in view: Centre the value guide in the view (Curve Editor)

Input: shift-c

Toggle value guide: Toggle value guide (Curve Editor)

Input: v

Delete key: Delete the selected key(s)

Inputs: delete
forward delete

Insert key: When you choose this a key will be inserted where you next click in the view

Input: i

Nudge up: Nudge the selected key(s) up (Curve Editor)

Input: up arrow

Nudge down: Nudge the selected key(s) down (Curve Editor)

Input: down arrow

Nudge left: Nudge the selected key(s) left

Input: left arrow

Nudge right: Nudge the selected key(s) right

Input: right arrow

Move keys mode: Change the view to the Move keys mode

Input: m

Scale keys from frame cursor mode: Change the view to the Scale keys from frame cursor mode

Input: s

Scale keys from centre mode: Change the view to the Scale keys from centre mode

Input: shift-s

Switch to X component: Switch to the X component of the parameter being edited

Input: x

Switch to Y component: Switch to the Y component of the parameter being edited

Input: y

Switch to Z component: Switch to the Z component of the parameter being edited

Input: z

Switch to R component: Switch to the R component of the parameter being edited

Input: r

Switch to G component: Switch to the G component of the parameter being edited

Input: g

Switch to B component: Switch to the B component of the parameter being edited

Input: b

Advance to next component: Advance to the next component of the parameter being edited

Input: a

Network View[edit]

These inputs are used in the network view.

Default click: The basic mouse click action

Input: LMB

Add to selection click: Use this to add clicked nodes to the current selection

Input: shift-LMB

Scroll: Scroll or pan around the view

Inputs: opt-LMB

Zoom: Zoom the view

Inputs: opt-shift-LMB

Zoom in: Zoom in on the view

Inputs: =
MW up

Zoom out: Zoom out of the view

Inputs: -
MW down

Windowed zoom: Do a windowed zoom, where you select an area of the network to zoom in on

Input: cmd-LMB

Context click: Shows the context menu

Inputs: ctrl-LMB

Autofit view: Fit the view to show all the nodes in the network

Input: f

Enable/disable node: Enable or disable the selected node(s)

Input: d

Delete node: Delete the selected node(s)

Inputs: delete
forward delete

Quick Node Creation: Opens the Quick Node Palette

Input: n

Quick Node Creation (Favourites): Opens the Quick Node Palette and displays the Favourites category

Input: shift-n

Render View[edit]

These inputs are used in the Render view, as well as the Image Preview window.

Pan: Click and drag to move around the render

Input: LMB

Scroll left: Scroll the image left

Inputs: shift-MW up
MW left
shift-MW left

Scroll right: Scroll the image right

Inputs: shift-MW down
MW right
shift-MW right

Scroll up: Scroll the image up

Input: MW up

Scroll down: Scroll the image down

Input: MW down

Zoom in: Zoom into the image

Input: opt-MW up

Zoom out: Zoom out of the image

Input: opt-MW down

Windowed zoom: Do a windowed zoom, where you click and drag to select an area of the image to zoom in on

Input: cmd-LMB

Best fit: Zooms the image to the largest size that fits in the view, or 100%

Input: f

Show at 100%: Zooms the image to 100%

Input: 1

Context click: Shows the context menu

Inputs: ctrl-LMB

Toggle solo red channel: Shows only the red channel of the image

Input: r

Toggle solo green channel: Shows only the green channel of the image

Input: g

Toggle solo blue channel: Shows only the blue channel of the image

Input: b

Toggle solo alpha channels: Shows only the alpha channel of the image

Input: a

View Windows[edit]

These inputs are used in secondary view windows. These are the windows which open when choose to open a 3D Preview or network view in a new window.

If you open multiple views in a secondary view window then each view is shown in a separate tab. You can use these inputs to switch between tabs.

Next tab

Input: cmd-opt-right arrow

Previous tab

Input: cmd-opt-left arrow

A shader is a program or set of instructions used in 3D computer graphics to determine the final surface properties of an object or image. This can include arbitrarily complex descriptions of light absorption and diffusion, texture mapping, reflection and refraction, shadowing, surface displacement and post-processing effects. In Terragen 2 shaders are used to construct and modify almost every element of a scene.

A parameter is an individual setting in a node parameter view which controls some aspect of the node.

A single object or device in the node network which generates or modifies data and may accept input data or create output data or both, depending on its function. Nodes usually have their own settings which control the data they create or how they modify data passing through them. Nodes are connected together in a network to perform work in a network-based user interface. In Terragen 2 nodes are connected together to describe a scene.