Our very own A4size has inadvertantly started an internet meme.

Started by cyphyr, May 21, 2012, 03:31:43 PM

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I'm seeing lots of references to this image

Lots of people thinking its the real deal.

hehe and very well done :)


Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


It has been eaten.


Wow, I just Gogled eclipse 2012 + all images similar to ... + last 24 hours and got this, its all over Facebook too!

I don't know what's being said about copyrights, I guess a lot of people will be claiming NASA ownership and the like. 

It is a great image :)


Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)

Pentagular Dark

Oh my... The recent eclipse caused A4's render of an eclipse to be stolen. But at least it's everywhere.
GAH!!! Don't look down here! Look at the posts man!



Brian Blessed tweeted it, awesome :-). It's a nice picture A4size, I hope word spreads that you created it too.




Quote from: jo on May 21, 2012, 07:09:42 PM
Brian Blessed tweeted it, awesome :-). It's a nice picture A4size, I hope word spreads that you created it too.

Awesome squared!
Just because milk is white doesn't mean that clouds are made of milk.



Brian Blessed is a British actor... best known for playing larger than life characters...appeared in the Flash Gordon movie as Prince Vultan.



Brian Blessed was King Richard in Blackadder 1. I do also have Flash Gordon on DVD, which is kind of a B-grade classic.




Dear all the members of Terragen Forum,

It's extremely regrettable that my ECLIPSE was used here on Facebook without my permisson.
I can't say what I have in mind since I'm not good at English.
In the case that you found any websites that infringe my copyright,including the link above,if possible,it would be very helpful if you could warn any copyright infringers not to use my work instead of me.
Moreover,informing me of the sites via e-mail will be helpful as well.
In a way,it may be a good thing because this undesireable meme gave Terragen2 a high profile.
But at the same time,I'm very comfused...

Sincerely yours,

3D model SNS 【Cg】pixiv

(Translation by Mark)
From Japan.  / a4size.3dcg@gmail.com
I am afraid I am not good at English.  | Twitter - http://twitter.com/A4sizeCG
CGHUB  | http://a4size.cghub.com/


I hope you weren't offended by my posting this here, but I felt that your work deserved proper recognition. I have posted links back to your deviant page when I came across the image being used.
I think it is a testament to your skill that so many people believe it to be a real space photo. If it had been one of my images I would have been very happy.
They should have asked your permission but they didn't.
I'm not aware of it being used commercially but if it has been you would have a very clear claim for some recompense.
Try to find a way to take advantage of the situation, you probably have the greatest exposure a Terragen artist has ever had. That "Kevin" page has been shared 68,000 times !!! And there are many other instances of it being used outside facebook.
Well done and take some pride, you done good.

Ryzen 9 5950X OC@4Ghz, 64Gb (TG4 benchmark 4:13)


Brian Blessed was also PC 'Fancy' Smith in Z Cars, which I remember watching as a kid. I guess there wouldn't be too many TGers who'd remember Z Cars. A black and white TV cop show.