Beer head! That sounds good. Thank you, Otakar.

One last beer!!
I improved the textures for the
beer head and gave it a slightly warmer colour.
Enough beer.
For now...
However, as I wrote in the first beer post, rendering the beer body inside the glass makes it black. So I unchecked "visible to other rays". So far so good, the beer renders correctly. But somehow it looks different. Plus when I put the glass onto a reflective surface, everything is reflected
but the glass, which is weird. Is there any other way to render this correctly without unchecking the "visible..."-thing? Remember, I tried all combinations of object/shader doublesided on or off plus cast shadows on or off for each object.
You can render thin single sided objects inside other thin single sided objects when they both have a glass shader assigned to, the TG native sphere for example, but once the objects have solid walls, it doesn't work anymore. So, any ideas, or is it just impossible at the moment?